What I’m Wearing…
* Plum deep v sweater from Jigsaw London
* Grey jeans by {last worn here in a similar look} by Citizens of Humanity but also seen here with a bodysuit
* Butterfly sunglasses by 3.1 Phillip Lim
* Initial necklace from Tiffany & Co
* Ankle strap sandals by Jeffrey Campbell – AGAIN – and now I DEFINITELY need a new pair because last Friday night, I wore them walking around the lake, to get to a dock, for what can only be described as a mild but fun after party, wherein, I ruined my favorite shoes AND NOWWWWWW my size is sold out
* Classic town bag by Balenciaga
* Title: Lady Gaga – Perfect Illusion Caught up in your show… Somewhere in all the confusion… I still feel the blow, but at least now I know… it was the perfect illusion… OMG this new Lady Gaga song is like this perfect mix of ’90s lady ballads meets ’70s disco and it’s kind of amazing for that alone.
Soooooo… this is kind of a boring outfit, because, well, sweater and jeans, but it marks the beginning of new and exciting things that are unfolding as I type this.
You’re probably kind of sick and tired of bloggers talking about “new and exciting things” they’re working on but of course, can’t share any details {insert eye roll} … I’ve done it a few times too, and now I’m about to do it again. HOWEVER, in my own experience, I’ve learned that sharing big news too quickly often results in a follow-up post stating that those big things didn’t work out. As much as I am DYING to talk about this to everybody really, until something is finalized, I won’t say a word. Even though this is basically like saying something, it’s not at all.
I will say that it has nothing to do with blogging or the internet, or anything I do here at all… but hopefully, if all works out, I’ll be sharing it here and YOU can actually be part of the eventual fun… But you know when you’re ready to embark on something BIG and you just want to MAKE IT ALL HAPPEN LIKE NOW?!? But you can’t because that’s not how things work, {anything really}, and you have to sit back and be patient and settle in with the excitement because it’s all happening exactly how it’s supposed to… that’s where we’re at with it. It’s the moment of uncertainty that makes everything exciting but also terrifying because when you want it so bad, the uncertainty brings doubt and worry, and fear that it won’t happen, when you’re already invested emotionally.
So as we work through the initial stages of getting it in our pockets, and then in our hands where we can really finally begin, I will remain as quiet as I can… but very soon, I will let you in, and I can’t WAIT to share
pst! you may find hints and clues in my snap stories if you look carefully… and my Pins generally give me away as well

Happy Monday Lovecats!
* Find all my Style posts here