* 1 yard of lace fabric …unless you want it longer, then measure appropriately {I had an almost square piece of vintage ivory lace}
* Matching thread
* Ribbon {color & size & texture of your choice}
* Scissors, pins, tape measure
* This is a simple drawstring style skirt.

* Cut edges off lace, and into a circle of sorts. I left the longer sides flat because cutting a full circle would have made the skirt shorter. If you want more of a mini skirt, a perfect circle would be more appropriate.

* Lay out your lace and find the center. Pull up and snip with your scissors.

* Continue cutting a perfect circle. This will be your waist

* Try on your skirt. Since I wanted the option to wear it at my waist OR my hips, I made it about 4 inches larger than my hips at their largest point. {since it will be gathered, it’s okay if it’s a fairly large circle/waist}

* Using your ribbon to determine the size of your waist band {drawstring tunnel}, fold your center circle fabric over it and pin in place.

* To continue creating your drawstring tunnel, you’ll have to notch the fabric. Tip: whenever your fabric won’t lay flat, snip it with your scissors until it does, then pin that section in place.

* This is the inside of your skirt

* Hand stitch your drawstring tunnel flat in place. If you have perfectly matching thread, you can use any stitch that will work because you won’t see it at all.

* Flip your skirt right side out and try it on. Decide where you want the front to be and cut a slit in the center of your tunnel …pull your ribbon through {by using a safety pin if needed} and tie a bow. At this point, if you don’t like the length or the way some of the edges are falling, just cut them into the shape you like. You will leave the edges raw. They won’t fray …but if they do a little, it just ads to the romance of the style. Tip: I scalloped the edges a bit by cutting around the floral/lace pattern at the edges.

wearing: black leggings, old black lace printed tank, black blazer, Tiffany lock pendant/chain, Boutique 9 lace up pumps
Have Fun!
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