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My favorite corner of the living room at the moment is right here… usually this chair is on the other side, next to the fireplace, but the Christmas tree is in its spot right now. I’ve found that even though it’s in front of the back door and in the way of the walkway a little bit, it gets far more use {especially by me} over here as the morning sun filters in. Almost everything you see I found over time at Joss and Main except the Crocs slippers & Pottery Barn basket.

The husband got me the gold iPhone 5s and a matching Gucci case for Christmas 🙂

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from LeRoy and Bebop!
Oh our dogs… until the last few months, we could say we had one special needs dog, Bebop, who needs wheels to walk, wears two different varieties of diapers, and actually needs to be squeezed just right while in said wheels, in order to release urine {although is as bright-eyed from the waist up as any happy dog is} and now LeRoy who we already cook organic meals for, is now on so much medicine to keep him from going into seizure, that he walks around the house like a stumbling drunk, paces from room to room looking for food, doesn’t listen to a word we say any longer, and cries at us while we’re in the kitchen cooking because he wants to eat everything. And my husband really is the patient saint who takes care of them at most times, I just pick up the slack, if there ever is any. And even though we love our dogs dearly, we sometimes daydream about having capable dogs, who we don’t have to carry down stairs and that don’t have to wear sweatshirts because they’re cold. Those dogs exist, right? But until then, we try to just enjoy the time we have with them

Just some presents wrapped under the tree and yummy Christmas treats.

Christmas Eve, wearing red plaid Hudson jeans and this year’s Crocs duck boots, delivering holiday sweet treats around town.

This was Delilah’s first Christmas… I think it must have been 2010… look how tiny she was! I can’t believe how truly quickly this life passes by us. It’s a constant reminder to be aware and in the moment and grateful for what is rather than what isn’t.

My DIY vintage earrings into various fabulous embellishments was featured in the December My Little Paris/MY Little Box magazine. I love half-sized magazines {like British Glamour}

When I find an outfit I love, I wear a version of it every day. The taupe on taupe has been making its rounds with various colored jeans and cords.
Happy Weekend Lovecats!
* Hope you’re having a lovely one. Relaxing from the holiday crazies and prepping for NYE FUN!!