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After a year of using two shelves pushed together as a mock coffee table, I finally found this Beaumont Coffee Table at Joss & Main that fit the space perfectly and was well within the budget I wanted to spend on said coffee table. I am still in love with the rustic round beauty I found at local design boutique, Jeannine’s Home Furnishings, but $1800 is maybe a bit out of hand for a coffee table, in my opinion, as pretty as it is.
This one fell within the rustic vibe I was looking for and is quite functional too with the drawers to hide all of the controllers {YAY!} and the bottom shelf for extra goodies. See my original Living Room Coffee Table post for inspiration and Living Room Inspiration color post for reference.

This week was a bit difficult to get back into the swing of things after the holidays, which I’m sure you all felt as well. I found myself sitting at the counter sipping coffee and reading old decor magazines leisurely when I was supposed to be working. But I thought I’d try to give myself some time to just enjoy the moments. Mug & plate from West Elm.

My favorite spot in the house right now, the stairwell to the garage, which I recently completed.

I’m obsessed with branches, and the way these trees overlapped and touched as if they were reaching out to friends to try to hug each other.

LeRoy’s not doing so well lately and it’s making me so sad I can barely stand it. He started having seizures a few months ago and we’ve got him on a few different medications that are making him so dopey, we find him pacing and then staring into corners he’s gotten himself trapped in. When we lower the doses, he goes into seizure. He’s only 9years old – -old but not ancient considering Bebop {the pug} is going to be 13 in a few months and though he can’t walk, and has to wear diapers because of his lower back, is alive as a puppy from the waist up. I thought we’d get a few more good years out of LeRoy before we had to start really worrying about him, but the last two months have proven otherwise. He’s in diapers on and off, depending on the the day to avoid accidents.

I took this around Christmas, I think, when the snow from the previous fall was still lingering around… but it hasn’t snowed since then and in fact, is surprisingly warm. I miss the snow. I was looking forward to another snowy winter, but so far, it’s been pretty dry.

Last week with Tim Gunn….
An outfit post from a few weeks ago, but this poncho is cozy right now because I can wear it as a scarf!
Happy Weekend Lovecats!
* Hope you’re having a lovely one.