Follow me on Instagram to see these in real time. Come back here every Sunday {or sometimes Saturday ;)}for all the details.
I think I’m experiencing what is referred to as burnout. My excitement and motivation to post and share lately has been at an all time low. I can’t really put my finger on what exactly it is, but I know I’ve been doing this blogging thing for seven years strong and I’m starting to feel like it’s time for something new… something else. And if I’m being completely honest, I’ve been feeling this way since early June I suppose.
This week, every time I opened Instagram, each time I tried to post a photo, I just couldn’t. It felt like work instead of fun, which defeats the whole purpose of IG I think. Finally on Friday, I felt a little compelled to again, but I guess I just needed a break. Sometimes it feels like there’s so much to keep up with and when once upon a time it was really fun to do so, lately it’s been feeling a little forced. I thought maybe if I could just slow down a little and go back to sharing and posting on my own time instead of my self-imposed work time, it may bring back a little bit of the magic that it once had.
I know I can’t be alone in this feeling of wanting to be more present in my real life and less worried about my work… that’s a commonality among many careers and life choices in this technological age, I suppose. I guess I’ll just have to wait and see how it all plays out. Needless to say, I’m searching for a little bit more lately.

Last Sunday we had a fun visit from our friend Natalie {who I can only describe as my husband’s 1-1/2 year old brother’s baby-mama ;)}, who brought these gorgeous orange lilies -which are really the perfect Fall flower.

It’s finally chilly enough for fires, and the boys are loving sitting in front of the warm flames. They’re guarding their Whimzees from each other in this shot, thus their mean mugs.

Saturday snuggles…

I finally found the perfect wall mirror for the second guest room/meditation room at a local thrift shop for $20! After a fresh coat of white paint, it was ready for hanging.
Happy Sunday Lovecats!
* Hope you’re having a lovely weekend!