As I mentioned in my last Lake Arrowhead post, the husband and I went for another visit on Tuesday to check out the house we loved one more time. We wanted to see if we would get the same great feeling for it that we did initially and to make sure we really wanted to live up in the mountains.
And we loved it… again… in fact, as soon as we reach the top of the mountain, it’s hard for me to stop smiling. It’s really the strangest thing! I find myself trying not to get too excited about anything but there’s just no stopping my ginormous grin!
We brought my mom with us this time just to get a second {or third} opinion of not only the area but of the house as well, and she loved it too.
She particularly loved the park-sized playground in what would be our backyard… so we took a moment to swing a little…

While we were there doing a little further house inspecting, our realtor got a call from the owners saying there was already an offer on the house. In one week’s time!?!?! After hearing that, we were admittedly a little bummed, knowing we’d have to offer more than we initially wanted to, but still far lower than our original plan – but also now having to compete with another bid. Still not really wanting to jump the gun, but wanting to be prepared, we stopped by Keith’s office before leaving the mountain to fill out the paperwork and told him we’d give him an answer that evening when we returned home and had some time to think about it.
By 4:45 that afternoon, we texted Keith & told him to put the offer in on the house…. EEEEEK!!!
And then we waited… nervously talking about the situation and trying not to get overly excited as we didn’t know what our future held for us.
Yesterday evening we still hadn’t heard from our realtor, so the husband went to the movies with a friend and I stayed in. Literally ten minutes after they left as I was chatting with my brother, the phone rang and it was Keith, our realtor. He asked me what our highest offer was and I responded, well we decided that’s the highest we want to go and Keith said GOOD BECAUSE THEY ACCEPTED YOUR OFFER!!
I squealed so loudly, I’m sure he had to remove the phone from his ear.
So if all goes well {inspection, loan, escrow, etc.} we may be moving to Lake Arrowhead before the end of the year… I think? EEEEEK… OMG. We are so excited, nervous, terrified, thrilled… you name it, we are it.
At least ten times a day we look at each other with WIDE EYES and say/ask ARE WE CRAZY? … so yeah, it’s happening… kind of, I guess? lol omg.