Exactly one week after we moved into our new house, it snowed. I may have mentioned this already in my Sunday Instagram re-caps, but we woke up to a winter wonderland, and it was gorgeous. And what we thought was a BIG SNOW, considering it snowed all day and night, was actually just a light dusting… and when we heard that very interesting bit of information, we became a bit terrified of what’s to come. The morning after our first snow {when it had finally stopped snowing}, we bundled up in a big dorky way and went on a little adventure. Luckily in the move, I found my old snowboard jacket because up until then, I had nothing in the way of warmth for this freezing climate. These photos document our first snowy adventure and give you a better idea of where we live now.

our patio furniture covered in snow
our steps down from the mud room and deck
we have a full sized playground on our property, from what we think is the late 1950’s when the house was originally built {which will be gone come spring}
a road leading up to and running next to our house
this is the guard’s house where the gate entry to walk down to the lake is {because it’s private} I love this little house
snow runoff heading down to the lake
my uber chic warm, snowy getup {keepin’ it real, yo}
our “beach” part of the lake is a little over 2 minute walk from our house
it’s called Orchard Bay because it’s lined with apple trees… that you can eat!
a favorite quaint blue house built around the majestic trees
empty boat docks nearby… they hibernate in the winter
snowy treetops and rooftops
the husband all bundled up
always adorable ducks on the lake & I always forget to bring food for them
the village view
We love it here… we actually still feel like we’re on vacation, simply renting someone else’s house. It’s so beautiful we try to get out into nature every single day. I’m not sure it will ever NOT feel like vacation. We are smitten kittens 😉