We were so unbelievably fortunate to share this Thanksgiving with our very close friends Josh and Rafi {of FORM LA} and enjoy a fun little holiday weekend with them as well. Though we’ve hosted large Friendsgivings in the past, this year was just the four of us and it was so quaint and so easy and so fun.
Our friends arrived Wednesday afternoon and stayed through Saturday, giving us the ultimate little vacation for relaxing and eating, both of which we overindulged in.

We partnered with Ecco Domani who provided all the delicious wines for our cozy little weekend event.
But first… let’s get cozy!

Because holiday weekends with friends are the coziest… we love to lounge around reading and chatting and playing games until mid afternoon when we finally get dressed and journey out for a walk or adventure of some kind.

Though I set the table weeks ago for my Friendsgiving Survival Guide, to prevent the place settings from getting dusty, I put them away the following day. It made it super easy to set the table again, with everything prepped and ready, and other than the doggies trying to attack my socks as I walked, setting the table was a no-brainer. I began in my cozy morning attire and finished once I dressed for the day.

Josh’s delicious pumpkin pie, ready to eat!

My favorite appetizers are easy ones. I usually opt for cheese and crackers, olives, and grapes for a perfect blend of salty and sweet. The Ecco Domani Prosecco is perfection with appetizers, and I sipped on mine from my Festive DIY Stemware throughout the day and throughout the cooking.

Thanksgiving Dinner Prep…

Whenever Rafi and Josh come to visit, they cook us the most amazing dishes and Thanksgiving was no different. They made the pies, the turkey, the stuffing, and the green bean casserole, while we provided the apps and rolls, wines, of course, and all the starches. I cooked the mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes and made my favorite peanut butter squares for dessert TWICE!

I love this photo of them working together to prep the turkey.

Rafi working on his ridiculously amazing stuffing!

Cooking Fun!

I love Josh’s tattoos! They always make the photos more interesting, I think.

The doggies had their own Thanksgiving treats!

Although I love the Prosecco, I tend to favor red wines over whites and always opt for the Ecco Domani Merlot in the evenings with dinner and dessert. I didn’t realize until now that we used a few of my DIY Heart Etched wine glasses I made for Valentine’s Day last year with Ecco Domani.

And finally, it’s time to eat!
Sitting Down to Dinner…

We ate at around 4pm I think, just about an hour later than our original plan. I don’t think there’s ever been a Thanksgiving in the history of Thanksgivings that have been ready exactly when you plan them to be, do you?

Cheers to friends and food and laughter and love and Friendsgiving!

So much food…

So much laughter…

Finger lickin’ good!

Randy, mesmerized by all the food on the counter… he’s not as close as he appears. Though we do happen to let our boys get closer to the dinner table than probably most, but they’re just so cute, I can’t help it 😉
After… After…

“Stretchy pants time” is a literal thing when our friends are here. Most days we get dressed JUST so that as soon as night falls, we can exclaim that it’s stretchy pants time and all change into our comfies. Though the house is a mess, it’s warm and inviting and at least the kitchen is clean. With full bellies, but dessert still in sight, we look forward to a night of fun and games with friends.
This is how we felt for the next few days…

So sleepy… so full… so happy.
Breaking the Wishbone…

I’m not sure the wishbone had dried enough before we made a wish and broke it, but the photo the husband captured of it literally bursting into pieces is priceless.
Our Last Night Together…

On our last night together, we bundled up and walked to the village for some holiday festivities. Each year Santa drives in on a vintage fire truck, lights the huge Christmas tree in the village, and then takes photos with the kiddos and for the past two years living up here, we’ve somehow missed it. But not this year… and though Santa’s mic was out and we couldn’t quite hear him counting down, we had a fun time eating caramel popcorn, drinking Mexican coffee and giggling at the mishap.
Just before walking back home, we spent a few minutes trying to get a group selfie at the Christmas tree lot giggling and making a scene in the back corner when one of the workers walked over and asked if he could take the photo for us. I’m so happy we agreed because this photo of all of us together at the end of our fun Friendsgiving weekend just makes me smile every time I look at it.
Hope Your Thanksgiving Was as Wonderful as Ours Was!
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