Sweet Water Child is a beautiful album of lullabies written by Alex Dezen of The Damnwells and performed by Angela and Alex Dezen -dedicated to Miss Getty Emilia Storm, and all the SMA babies who fight alongside her. The songs are absolutely lovely and all proceeds go entirely to The Getty Owl Foundation to help put an end to Spinal Muscular Atrophy.
Last week Getty Storm turned one …a huge milestone for an SMA baby. On Tuesday, April 5th, she’s finally getting her birthday present promised to her & many others in the form of Sweet Water Child Lullabies for Getty via iTunes.
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* You can listen to the songs above …which will be available to purchase Tuesday, April 5th. I’ll update this post with the actual iTunes link as well as Tweet & Facebook it that day
* The goal is obviously to reach as many people as possible to purchase Lullabies for Getty on April 5th so it gets that extra iTunes love by making it onto their kids charts …to raise as much money for Miss Getty and her fellow SMA Warriors as possible.
* Go to Getty Owl to find out more about her …but first, do listen to at least one song above, my favorite, 2nd down from the top, Sweet Water Child …it will melt your heart.