I mean, how long have kids been going as Tinkerbell for Halloween? Forever, right? I was 4 years old here and it took about an hour on the phone last night with my mom to figure that out. I knew it though. I remembered. Because I think the same year, she went as a man and I was furious that she was leaving the house with a mustache on. “Why would you do that to yourself?” I asked her.

Mom made this costume out of green polyester and the wings were cardboard and that sash in the middle was holding them on. I wish I had the other photo my mom has where I am standing straight because you can see the bottom of the little dress better. You can barely see them but she made little green booties to wear over my shoes. …and look at that bun she gave me! That was all my hair and I remember it being a HUGE bun …but I was a tiny kid and I’ve always had ton of hair. I loved this costume! The Tinkerbell costumes of today don’t even compare {though the wings are far more sophisticated now ;}
My mom also made me a Cinderella costume the same year which I wore out trick-or-treating and maybe to school? I can’t remember but what I do remember to this day was that I had to wear a sweater underneath my pretty pink Cinderella dress because it was too cold out not to. And a sweater with a print on it to boot! I was pissed. It ruined the whole costume!

Clearly, I felt like an asshole