My trips to the Sherman Oaks Antique Mall are becoming more of regular occurrence instead of a once in a while treat . . . which the husband may or may not be happy about, but there is just SO MUCH TO SEE in there …and EVEN MORE TO BUY, and it’s impossible to take it all in in just one trip.
The last time I was there, I took a ridiculous amount of photos so I’ve split them up into two separate posts …the next will be decor

…this was my favorite display case, but difficult to photograph.
As I was editing all of these photos I kept seeing new things I didn’t see in person …and now I’m feeling the need to go back and buy them up! There really is an ungodly amount of amazing vintage and estate jewelry in there which you just cannot comprehend until you see it in person. It’s over 10,000sqft in there …go to Sherman Oaks Antique Mall for more info