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I can’t believe a whole year has gone by since these baby puppies came into our lives and took over everything. They were so tiny they could both sleep on me together, and though they still try now, at 30lbs and 24lbs, these Bobes don’t stand a chance. They were about 4-6lbs here. Trevor was always bigger than Randy and he still is.

Since I’ve been determined to continue drawing and beginning a new piece as soon as I finish my last, I bought new art supplies on amazon which included colored pencils and I was giddy when they showed up! My grandpa was an artist on my mom’s side, and while using many of his tools from the ’60s is fun, there are definitely newer supplies that make it a bit easier to work with. Also, in the past I would spend some time drawing and then usually stop once I finished one or two pieces, but I’m loving it so much that I want to make sure I incorporate it into my daily routine some way or another.
Here I was trying my hand at colored pencils for the first time ever really and drawing a pretty sock bun. Hair is always difficult to get right and I’m not sure I have the patience or desire to really work hard enough to make it “look real” ever, but this turned out pretty nonetheless.

Seriously, THIS IS THE BEST GUACAMOLE EVER… find the recipe here: Rafi’s Guacamole

A new favorite top and skirt combo which began as a dress. See the before and after DIY tutorial here

I have so many photos of these Bobes on my iPhone that I refuse to delete EVEN THOUGH I have them saved on dropbox, but so many photos and videos that I can’t even download the new IOS because I don’t have enough space. So then I go through my photos to delete them and find little gems and post them and save them again and STILL I CAN’T DELETE them. And the main reason I want the new IOS is to get the NEW EMOJIS!!!

When daddy leaves, they stare out any window awaiting his return. This little gray sofa in my office {which replaced the little black chaise that now resides in the guest room} is their new favorite perching ground.
I added a matching faux fur topper for comfort and visual pleasure It came with the gray pillows, the pink pillow is from Target.

I think they’re prettier to look at than to eat, these heart shaped macarons might just be a future sketching subject matter.

This dress from No Rest for Bridget is $25! And the most flattering horizontal stripe dress ever!

A foot in a shoe that turned out to be more difficult than I had anticipated… this was during the process when I was like I’M NEVER GOING TO GET THIS RIGHT and I wanted to quit about a million times. I didn’t though and finally finished a few days ago, adding a bit of color to it as well. It actually turned out pretty great and I’m just proud of myself for not giving up. I should probably post the finished piece, but I fear it doesn’t look that much different… but it does, lol.
Happy Sunday Lovecats!
* Hope you’re having a lovely weekend!