What I’m Wearing…
* Vintage army camo jacket {also seen in this outfit}
* Floral print angel dress by Lovers and Friends
* Cheapy sunglasses
* Custom Barracuda fedora hat by Spring Canyon Hats on Etsy {also seen in this outfit & with this outfit}
* Gray ankle boots by Sam Edelman
* DIY Wearable iPhone Case with Chain Strap
* Title: lyrics from Sarah McLachlan – Possession … I would lay on the living room floor with a journal and a pack of cigarettes for hours in my studio apartment in Hollywood in the late nineties, listening to this album and writing…. writing… writing. For.Like.Hours. My late teen-angsty self loved this album and loved that apartment too. It was the first place I lived alone in… I painted a huge smiling sun on the closet door which faced the front door, so I’d see it every time I walked in. It was such a great studio apartment. It had a separate kitchen and dining area and French windows that faced the street. It was off of Franklin just past the Beachwood canyon area. The closet was HUGE but I removed the doors and stuffed my bed into it to create a faux bedroom, complete with little white twinkly lights wrapped with flowers around the closet beams, to separate & create a living room space. I paid $400 a month for it in 1996 I think… and loved it. Anyway, I listened to a lot of Sarah McLachlan and Fiona Apple at the time and poured my soul onto the pages of journal after journal after journal. I’m sure I still have them all somewhere.
I downloaded the album recently to my current itunes playlist and this song popped on and I thought about it for the first time in twenty years or more… Would I spend forever here and NOT be satisfied? I’m sure when I was young the question was posed to whatever relevant issue I was dealing with at the time, but now, so much older, I ponder it about life in general. We are “here” for our “forever” and if we’re not happy or not satisfied, we should work on changing that. We wouldn’t go back to a restaurant that wasn’t satisfying, so why do we settle so often in the bigger picture? The marvelous thing about life and this question is that it is our choice to make… we have the power to change everything and become satisfied. And most often change begins with one tiny step forward, in the direction you want to go. And then you are open for magic to happen.

Happy Tuesday Lovecats!