Because I use my iPhone for a camera most of all, I ALWAYS want it handy. And I mean, like in my hand at all times. But of course, that’s impossible. Even just having to pull it in and out of a handbag or pocket is not fast enough for me sometimes to capture the moment… I must have issues. The other day I said to my husband I wish I had a camera in my eyes so I could just snap photos by blinking and download my photo memories to my computer/social media/etc… Seriously, what is wrong with me?!
There are a few different faux Chanel iPhone cases with straps floating around including one that looks like a quilted Chanel handbag & one that looks like a Chanel perfume bottle, and though they’re probably meant to feel more like you own a piece of Chanel, the idea is genius. So of course I thought, why not DIY my own little version?
I love my creation, but must admit, my chain is a bit heavy and clunky. I love the way it looks, but again, it’s too heavy for the weight of the phone, so my advice is to get the lightest weighing chain possible. I also have about ten million more ideas and am dying to DIY a few more in the coming weeks. They’re perfect for concerts, events, walking to events, anything where you want to be hands-free but want your camera/phone handy and I am super excited about them.
* Check out my older Pseudo iPHone Case DIY Tutorials
Here’s What You’ll Need…

* iPhone case as base for whatever version phone you have
* Scrap leather
* Chain {the lighter in weight the better}
* Needle/Thread
* Scissors/Razor/Pen
* Glue/Mod Podge & applicator sponge or brush
* Pliers
* Two clasps {large or small safety pins will do if you’re in a pinch}
* Optional: Tassel {that was just for fun}

* Trace the top of your case onto your leather and cut out.

* Mark the hole for your lens and cut out with a razor blade.

* Using your pliers, separate two chains long enough to cross over the top the case with ease. The chain should meet your leather edges at the bottom and have one link a little longer at the top.

* Using your strong needle and thread, stitch the edges of your chain down to your leather. I used medium think leather, which allows a needle through it using a thimble or the pliers as helpers to push and pull it through. You can also use a hole punch, but it’s not necessary.
* Hide all knots/thread/stitches on the under/suede side.

* Layer up the back/outside of your phone case with glue… mod podge is probably the best unless you have some sort of industrial adhesive, then go with that.
* Now place your leather and chains onto your phone and set in place.

* If you have large binder clips, attach them along the edges to hold your leather to your case to allow the glue to set over night. I used hair clips because that’s all I had. Anything that will clamp down on it tightly will do.

* Decide how long you want your strap to be and use your pliers to add links. I wanted mine to be long enough so that I could wear it crossbody, so that I could pick it up and use it while still around my body, then drop it back down.

* Using whatever clasps or closures of your choice, add them to the ends so you can snap them on and off with ease, or not.
* You can alternately choose to only attach one chain across the body of the case {avoiding the camera lens area is smart} then clasping both ends of your strap to one chain. Either way works.
And… Voila!

Have Fun!
* Find all my diys here
* Check out my older Pseudo iPHone Case DIY Tutorials