life & family Vlogging YouTube

YouTube Series #6 / Learning How To Focus and Prioritize Myself

Happy Monday Lovecats!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend! I sure did, which is a first in a long LONG while, and that makes me SO HAPPY! In fact, I’m finding little things that light me up and make me smile much more regularly and that feels like progress. It’s been a rough few months (well, few years, if I’m being honest) and I’m happy to be feeling any and every positive feeling I can these days and holding onto them as much as I can.

I signed up for a pottery class on Friday night, which was so much fun and I can’t wait to share it here! Once I get my bowl glazed and fired, I’ll share the whole experience with you. It was a blast and makes me smile with so much joy every time I see a photo or video from the fun night.

Anyway, I’ve been consistently sharing weekly videos on YouTube in my new series, Starting Over in my 40s and even though I still have a bit of fear and hesitation surrounding it all, I’m doing it anyway, and I think that’s become part of the mission I aim to share, so that’s fun. I started before I was ready and urged you to start your thing (whatever it might be) as well, even if you don’t feel ready, because if we wait until we’re ready, we’ll never do anything and be held back by fear and excuses until the end of time. So I committed to it, through the fear and possibility of embarrassment or saying or looking stupid or getting mean comments or WHATEVER it might be, and I show up anyway… for myself, proving that I do the things I say I’m going to do, which actually builds confidence and a trust in oneself and is truly making me smile each time I do it. I even uploaded a short 😃 (which has gotten far more views than my videos, but hey, you gotta start somewhere, right?).

I’m giddy with excitement and proud of myself for diving in head first and doing so many new things! It’s helping me love myself again after a long long time of hiding and accepting and tolerating things that were not good for me. And now that I am showing up for MYSELF and I’m ALSO doing new things, it’s like my inner child, my intuition, my soul, my spirit, my entire being is aligned and filling up with love and light and after YEARS of feeling heavy and burdened and negative and stuck, I feel like I am found again, starting to know and like myself again and honestly, it’s the best feeling in the world 🥰

If you can’t see the video below, follow this link: How It Can Be Hard To Focus On Yourself

From YouTube: You know how when you’re going through a breakup or a really challenging situation or just a time in your life when you’re trying to move on or away from something in your past and much of the advice you get from friends and family and even Tik Tok and Instagram and YouTube is “Just Focus On Yourself”… but then you wonder WHAT does that even MEAN? This video is for you (and for me) 😊 And one thing I forgot to mention was how that just doing instead of thinking immediately puts you in a mindset to focus more on yourself and doing what you love instead of talking yourself out of it. The act of doing creates a warm safe place within you that trusts your commitment to yourself. 💌

new YouTube series by Maegan Tintari love Maegan starting over in your 40s

To view all of my videos in the series so far and subscribe for future videos, click here.

OH AND, I was able to figure out how to eliminate some of these pesky ads in the posts! Yes they’re a bit annoying, especially the pop-ups, but thank you for your patience while I manage them 😊

xoxo …love, Maegan 🩷

Maegan Tintari

LA native & lifestyle blogger Maegan Tintari writes daily at sharing beauty & style secrets, including fashion DIYs, how-to nail art manicures, hair tutorials, recipes & home decorating ideas, as well as a look into her personal life, her journey & battle with infertility & recent relocation to the mountains by a lake in search of a better life with her adorable French Bulldog brothers, Trevor and Randy.

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