Hello Lovecats! Happiest of Mondays to you!
After over six years of blogging, I finally gave …love Maegan the attention it deserved and honored “her” with a fabulous new makeover and I’m SO EXCITED it’s finally live now so I can share it with you! I hate keeping secrets!
As part of the makeover, I made the daunting and terrifying switch from blogger to WordPress {that I’ve been threatening to do for years now} for optimal functionality AND I have added my very own server to speed up load time for you on all platforms and browsers {hooray!}
Since we just launched the new look on Friday, we are still working out a few of the kinks, but hopefully in a few days it will be all lined up and even easier to use than before. Change is always scary at first, but I think you’ll find the new look and layout much easier to navigate once you look around a little and get used to it.
When I finally decided to make the move, there was only one person/team whom I trusted to give …love Maegan the look and feel I wanted for it, and that was Jessica Sutton of JSGD {Jessica Sutton Graphic Design}. I think I’ve been virtually friends with Jessica and following her genius creativity on her blog since the beginning of blogging history. But I haven’t a clue how we e-met in the first place. She’s adorable, has an adorably fluffy dog, and she just got married! But that’s personal, her design aesthetic is spot on, and that’s why I hired her. Until now, I’ve done everything on my own without any help!

In the middle of the Summer, we began working on developing the new look and feel, and I’ve been dying to share it with you ever since! As you may have noticed, there are no more slow-loading old fashioned posts on the home page. My goal was to make it simple and clean and easy to navigate and topic-specific. So let’s just say you only enjoy my DIYs or my Style posts. Now you click directly on “Latest in DIY” or whichever category you’re interested in and find a list of posts in that category, easy to reach and quick to load.
All the NEW posts in ANY and EVERY CATEGORY will be nestled in the largest rotating photos at the top of the home page. In case you ARE interested in seeing all of the posts, you can also click each of them separately, or the “Latest Post” link to take you to a list of all of them in order by date.
You can find all my social media outlets like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, & Pinterest, right along the top in the pink bar that stays put as you scroll, as well as the search function, which works wonders if you’re specific. Like Leather DIYs for example, will load a quick list of all my Leather DIYs.
We’re working out the kinks this week, so please be patient if things aren’t working smoothly or properly just yet! I promise they will be soon. Also, some of my links from Pinterest have gotten a bit skewed as well, please also bear with us while we configure them correctly.
I’m so ridiculously happy and in love with the outcome and I really hope you love it too and find it easier to navigate and a more enjoyable experience to interact with an be a part of. JSGD was not only a pleasure to work with, but did exactly what I hoped they would, turn my blog into a fun destination!

I’m super excited to share with you a few new contributors as well… EEK! I’m starting out small, but I have a few really amazing women who are going to be sharing their stories, worlds, and creativity with you right here in the coming weeks along with mine {I won’t be posting any less} and I can’t WAIT to introduce you to them. A few you may know from their own blogs, and a few are completely unknown. I’m starting small, but eventually may add more contributors, so if you’re interested {in the future} keep me posted!
So look around and familiarize yourself with our new surroundings and look out for a few new voices later in the week, and even more in the coming months. EEK!
Thanks for being loyal readers, Lovecats, I adore you all