life & family my videos

Another New Beginning…. on YouTube

love Maegan on YouTube

Hello Lovecats!

I hope you’re having a lovely weekend thus far!

I am still settling into my new house and my new life and although I feel like I’m blabbing about it on Instagram and Substack and now even YouTube, I’m barely even showing up here, and I want to change that. I keep saying I’m going to commit to this space more and yet I go weeks, if not an entire month, in between posts.

With that said, I thought I’d share that I have started posting on YouTube – EVEN THOUGH I FEEL COMPLETELY SILLY ABOUT IT AND TOTALLY “CRINGE” as I mention no less than 3 times in the video 🙄 (sorry) but the point is that I said I was going to do it, I committed to doing it once a week and then I just started – even though I still have no true idea what I’m doing there AND I ended up taking 3 weeks off during my move. HOWEVER, the point is, I showed up. And since it’s all still new, (though it’s on my original/old YouTube channel where I have videos that are 15 years old now 🫢 -how?) my new videos are getting very low views- WHICH I AM honestly quite happy about because part of the reason I haven’t ever shared consistently there has been a fear of being seen. Luckily in the beginning, not many people actually see you, so it gives you time to settle in, find your voice and build confidence before being completely shut down by strangers… 🤣 or at least that’s how it feels.

But this is also a nudge to you to start the thing you’re afraid to do (for whatever reason) and it doesn’t have to be YouTube, but it’s the thing you’re thinking about in the back of your mind as you read this… do it. 💖

* If you can’t see the video above, click here to watch it.


I hope by sharing my journey, I am somehow inspiring you on yours… even if it’s only to let you know that you are not alone, that making big changes and leaving the past you love behind is really hard and the uncomfortable middle of your uncertain future is the most challenging of all because the resistance of feeling all the hard emotions makes the past look like a bed of roses in comparison, but I know for sure, that it is not. We just have to take each day at a time, give ourselves a little grace in this difficult time before we truly step into our future selves and are living the life of our dreams. It will come, stay strong, stay empowered, stay on the path you know is right, even if it is the harder road to travel. I love you.

Ps! Sorry about all the ads. I honestly don’t know how to remove them at this point… HOWEVER, I’m not mad about the extra income at the moment so thank you for your patience and support 😚

Happy Weekend Lovecats!

* Find me on YouTube here
* Find me more personally on Substack here

Maegan Tintari

LA native & lifestyle blogger Maegan Tintari writes daily at sharing beauty & style secrets, including fashion DIYs, how-to nail art manicures, hair tutorials, recipes & home decorating ideas, as well as a look into her personal life, her journey & battle with infertility & recent relocation to the mountains by a lake in search of a better life with her adorable French Bulldog brothers, Trevor and Randy.

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