Happy Friday Lovecats!
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, if you do celebrate, and if not, I hope you had a wonderful Thursday!
I, for one, had a really nice day with my mom and stepdad, filled with zero stress and much laughter and of course, great food. I ended the evening cozy cuddling on the couch with my dogs happy as a clam. And since today is Black Friday, an event I’ve rarely, if ever taken any part in, I thought it might be the perfect time to share a few of my favorite things that I’ve fallen for lately and maybe they’ll be your new favorite things too.
But first, I have to share…
That I FINALLY bought a new desktop computer and I’m super excited about it! I’ve been using a 2011 model that served me well for 10 years however, the latest programs and software and apps or whatever no longer work on it SO, while I also use a laptop for writing (and shopping and YouTubing), it’s just not efficient for photos or editing or doing much else. So I chose the pink iMac which immediately sent me back 20+ years to the days of MySpace and the original colorful iMacs and immediately started worrying I’d regret NOT buying the silver version seeing as I tend to keep and use my computers until the end of time. Anyway, it arrived on Monday and since my office isn’t entirely finished and the curtains aren’t up yet, I haven’t even taken it out of the box, but I am hoping to dive into that project this weekend and have it up and running by Monday.
My only regret SO FAR is that I ordered it two weeks ago and still haven’t even opened it WHICH MEANS, I could have ordered it today and probably gotten a deal on it instead of paying full retail (yes, they’re offering $150 gift card today!)
I haven’t figured out how to reprogram my heater/thermostat yet… I know, I know. I’VE TRIED! Believe me, I HAVE TRIED. And I thought I actually did it a few nights ago but alas, it reset AGAIN and now every morning at 6:30am it turns up to 70, which is far too hot for us while we’re sleeping… and by US, I mean me and the dogs AND the other morning I woke up choking, coughing, gasping for air because it was so hot and dry in the house and I honestly thought I was dying… of a cough.
Then I felt even worse for the Randy (pictured next to the iMac above) who has been very congested lately and suffers from BOAS and often labored breathing while he’s sleeping…
After my choking incident and lack of thermostat knowledge (and feeling like Phoebe and her fire alarm) I thought maybe a humidifier might help and remembered that last year I was sent a little baby humidifier called Hey Dewy for my office, which I never got around to using and now it’s coming in VERY handy!
It’s little and cute and super simple to use (unlike my thermostat UGH)… You twist off the top, fill it with water, twist back on the top, plug it in and press the on button. You can set it to constant mist, intermittent mist or no mist at all and turn the light on or off. I’ve been using it at night before bed for just about a week now and I think it’s actually helping us all breathe a little better at night.
SHOP Hey Dewy Humidifiers here… right now they’re offering 25% off and free shipping for Black Friday. It comes in 5 different colors (I definitely want a pink one) and I think the updated model can be used entirely wireless, unlike mine. This makes a perfect gift for someone who lives in cold/dry temps (like me) has Frenchies (like me), but also maybe for those who love to travel because it’s great for small spaces.
Speaking of the dogs labored breathing while they sleep… after holding Randy’s literal chin up one night and watching him fall asleep and breathe easily with his head raised, I racked my brain thinking about what I could use to actually keep their heads up while they sleep at night (which also means that I will sleep better!).
My first thought was a head gear, yes, like the 80s version Joan Cusack wears in Sixteen Candles but I didn’t think my dogs would go for that, so my next thought was foam yoga blocks and OMG THEY’RE WORKING… well, kind of.
Trevor is a champ. He already is a problem-solver and flips onto his back to mouth breathe when he can’t get enough air, but Randy is much more stubborn. So of course, Trevor allows me to slide a yoga block under his chin and uses it as a rest, no problem. I’m having a much harder time getting Randy to follow suit so I’m going to buy a smaller block and see if that helps.
The pink ones shown here are 4″ high but I have found another set of pink blocks that are 3″ or these 2″ kid’s foam blocks which I’m buying today and I might have to string them together to make a block necklace so Randy has no choice but to use it!
In other news, I’ve also been using them for my yoga/stretching at night and loving them.
At the beginning of summer I was sent this skincare sample line from MIAGE and am IN LOVE with the day lotion, called MANIFEST and the healing lip gloss, called BLOOM, which is for night repair. LOVE them both!
I actually use the day lotion at night and have had no breakouts from it, which beyond a nice dewy glow and softened age lines is how I generally judge a cream. It’s lightweight and smells earthy and doesn’t clog pores and I just love it. The lip repair smells like sweet juicy nectar and I WANT TO EAT IT.
And speaking of things I want to eat…
I have become OBSESSED with Bonjour yogurts. OB-SESSED… and I can only get this delicious yogurt at the local farmer’s market AND when I run out and have to wait a week until I can get more, it feels like I’m having withdrawals, thinking about yogurt every day.
I have to thank Michelle for this new addiction because she was like YOU HAVE TO TRY THIS YOGURT and I was like UMMM I DON’T REALLY LIKE YOGURT and she was like NO, YOU DON’T GET IT… and then I tried it AND I TOTALLY GOT IT. And now I’m obsessed.
I like to eat two at once, usually a not so sweet flavor like Vanilla with a super sweet flavor like apple, or hazelnut (not so sweet) with the most divine texture I’ve ever put into my mouth with super sweet white chocolate (which generally I am not a fan of white chocolate). All I know is I have been eating this yogurt for all my meals and it can’t be good, BUT IT’S SO GOOD. I honestly had to take a break this week (ps I have some left still) but the farmer’s market was on Tuesday instead of Thursday (because of Thanksgiving) and I didn’t go because I needed a yogurt break. And I’ll probably be fiending for it come Monday when I’m completely out and have to wait until next Thursday to get it.
Now, this is slightly embarrassing because I’m a grown-a$$ woman, but I adore these baby teething spoons by The Dearest Grey, not only because they’re adorable and in fabulous peachy pink blush colors and they sent them to me a few weeks ago, but because they are my favorite yogurt spoons.
They’re tiny and I can take little tiny bites of both flavors and feel like I’m just eating a little at a time. I know, it’s ridiculous, but it’s the truth. When the brand reached out and asked if I wanted to see samples I thought I’d pass these adorable spoons over to my friend Melissa who actually has a teething baby, but no, I selfishly had to keep them all for my yogurt addiction and I have to say, I’m not sorry about it. (Sorry Melissa
This is to say that if you are in need of a perfect little baby gift (or new yogurt spoons) these spoons should be on your list. PS. They have TONS of adorable products beyond spoons so check them out!
ANYWAY… that was a lot of words for a few products, BUT I was feeling chatty so skip to the photos and links if you’re interested in anything and…
Happy Friday Shopping Lovecats!
* Find all my Shopping posts here
* Find all my Friday I’m In Love posts here (It’s been a minute!)