accessories DIY ideas halloween

BUY or DIY / Spooky Halloween Accessories That are Surprisingly Affordable!

fun sexy spooky halloween accessories for women

Happy Monday Lovecats!

I was just getting ready to prepare a Monday Motivation post when I randomly ended up on Pinterest and spotted this lace and chain finger glove and swiftly added it to my DIYs category… when I clicked on it, though, to see the source, thinking it would be handmade from Etsy or an expensive designer piece, I was surprised that it was on TEMU and under $4 😵!!! I continued browsing and found so many fun and spooky Halloween accessories that I just had to share since it’s almost Halloween and I’m in just that kind of mood I guess. 😄

Having said all of that, I still wouldn’t mind DIYing a few just for the fun of it, EVEN THOUGH, my original need and desire to DIY came from either wanting items I couldn’t find anywhere (because they didn’t exist) or wanting something that was way out of my price range and making it myself just became more fun. However, I’ve never purchased anything from Temu and so I have no idea how the quality is (but my guess is not great 🤔) and so this sort of urges me to want to DIY it as well.

Have you ever bought anything from Temu?

Are you excited for Halloween? Did you already dress up over the weekend and attend a party or are you still looking forward to Halloween?

I decorated my front yard a little bit since I haven’t lived in a house where I’ve actually had trick or treaters in 12 years so I thought I’d decorate a little and hand out candy thinking this might be a fun way to meet some of my neighbors 🎃

ANYWAY… here are a few I LOVE, with links below if you want to buy…

🦇 Multi-strand pearl chocker with red vampire bite!

🦇 Dark Lace and Chain Finger Glove

Rhinestone Inlaid Bright Stylish Flash Fishnet Grid Hollow Mask Mesh Cap Head Cover For Women DIY
🦇 Rhinestone Fishnet Mesh Mask

🦇 Scissors Exaggerate Stud Earrings

🦇 Faux Pearls Beaded Body Chain

🦇 Ivory Pagoda Peak Umbrella Parasol

gray grey lace gloves with ruffle
🦇 These Lace gloves are actually from Amazon.

🦇 Exquisite Triangular Head Covering with Embroidered Cross Chalice Design

🦇 Golden-Tone Snake Wrap Bracelet & Ring which reminded me of my Gold Snack Heels DIY and my Snake Belt!

🦇 Lightning Bolt Temporary Tattoos

OKay, this isn’t an accessory for you but it’s super cute home decor for halloween 🦇 Octopus Tentacles plant Stakes that glow in the dark!

Happy Halloween!

* Find all my Halloween Posts here
* Find all my DIY Halloween Costume here

Maegan Tintari

LA native & lifestyle blogger Maegan Tintari writes daily at sharing beauty & style secrets, including fashion DIYs, how-to nail art manicures, hair tutorials, recipes & home decorating ideas, as well as a look into her personal life, her journey & battle with infertility & recent relocation to the mountains by a lake in search of a better life with her adorable French Bulldog brothers, Trevor and Randy.

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