I decided since I hadn’t shot my outfits in the gallery in ages, I’d stay a few minutes after work and take a few on the George Nelson Marshmalow couch …and with the camera I’m using now, it’s clear that it prefers indoor shots to outdoor, all which come out blurry. Though I did shoot a few around the corner from the car dealership before buying my car out of it’s 2year lease just to further prove my point

What I’m Wearing
* Vintage navy silk slip …I’ve had this slip forever and I can’t remember if I found it at a vintage shop or if it was my grandma’s …but there’s a bit of alteration at the bottom, near the lace, to shorten it, so I’m guessing it was my grandma’s. At any rate, it’s so old {and so soft}, the elastic at the waist is completely gone, so in lieu of replacing the elastic {which I will do someday} I belted it, paper bag style. This is one of my absolute favorite pieces in my closet so no matter what I will probably never get rid of it.
* Forever 21 white t-shirt
* Heritage 1981 gray cardigan
* light gray/silvery belt…can’t remember
* Michael Antonio faux gray/silver snakeskin wedges …had these forever
* Louis Vuitton speedy bag
* Tiffany silver lock pendant/chain …gift from husband in 2005 maybe?
* White gold hoop earrings …gift from mom ages ago
* D&G mirror watch …from a Gilt sale
Any LOSTies here? Thoughts on last night’s episode? My mom generously gives up her time to watch her granddaughter every Tuesday night so the Bro+SIL can come over and watch it with us -Thanks Mom!- and we all thought it was a LAME WASTE OF TIME last night! Thanks LOST, for giving us NOTHING! Even my husband’s favorite website IGN gave it a low 6.8 review. Though we are ridiculously excited about the all-out Sunday extravaganza coming in a few weeks!