desserts food, health & wellness Recipes

Dessert Recipe // Grapefruit Yogurt Cake


* Recipe by guest contributor Laney Schwartz, creator of Life is But a Dish

Because citrus cakes are liiiiiife!

You guys, I’m obsessed with all citrus right now, and this Grapefruit Yogurt Cake is everything and more, and it NEEDS to make an appearance at your weekend brunch table. Mother’s Day, Sunday brunch, I don’t care… Just do it. It’s so good.


A few weeks ago my brother-in-law dropped off an ENORMOUS bag of grapefruits. They have a beautiful grapefruit tree in their backyard that apparently exploded and they have grapefruits up the wazoo! He said, “I don’t care what you do with these, just take them!” #CaliforniaWeatherProblems.

I know, it’s like poor us… 70 degrees all year round and our fruit trees are going craaaaazy! Not a bad problem to have. Well, my husband was siked, as he loves grapefruit and actually considers it dessert, sprinkled with a little sugar.

I will never understand this. Fruit does not equal dessert, people! Not in my book.


Anyways, I had a giant bag of grapefruits sitting in my kitchen, I had to do something.

Side note: Grapefruits and I haven’t been the best of friends. Let’s just say that one night in my early twenties, I had about 10 too many Greyhounds. For those who don’t know, a greyhound is basically a cocktail consisting of grapefruit juice and vodka. Yeah. Let’s just leave it at that.

I thought it was time to mend my relationship with these fruits. And let’s just say, things are headed in the right direction.


Click through for the full recipe: Grapefruit Yogurt Cake


You can thank me later.

Laney Schwartz

Hi, I'm Laney! Home cook, mom, wife, workout junkie, and ultra crazy food lover! Creator of Life is but a Dish - a space where you will get a sneak peek into my world which mainly consists of food, family, and friends. Join me on this wonderful journey called life, one dish at a time. Find me on Instagram at lifeisbutadish

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