About a month ago I met with the fabulous Corinne Leigh and her amazing DIY team to film a DIY video based on my dipped chopsticks DIY which I painted with nail polish… Do you remember it? click the image below for a refresher!

Well Corinne loved it and wanted to expand on the idea for her new DIY web series on About.com called Re:create. Corinne had one of the first ever DIY blogs/vlogs on the internet called Threadbanger and even though the blog is no longer live, she posts regularly to the Threadbanger YouTube channel. She’s got a tremendous archive of DIY videos {and fun Halloween costumes} so you should definitely check her out asap…
We had a blast filming this DIY together, which really turned out amazing. You can see my bio video here ::cringe:: and the actual DIY video here. Once it becomes available on the YouTube channel, I’ll embed it in this post so it’s easier to view.
Here are a few fun behind the scenes snapshots…

Check out Corinne’s DIY bug brooch above & her awesome dinosaur necklace in the photo below!

How amazing is Corinne’s hair? Serious Perfection!
* Watch my bio video here
* See the actual DIY video here