DIY hats I love Summer

DIY Beaded Catch Phrase Vacation Summer Sun Hat

DIY Embroidered Summer Sunhat, sun hat with text on it

I wanted to make a fun catch phrase summer sun hat -you know the cute ones we’ve all been seeing everywhere for a little over a year now (which vary in prices, but are on the expensive side). And I wanted to make it double sided, so I couldn’t really embroider it like so many of the cute option and you know I don’t really love to use glue if there’s a better option, AND I wanted it to be a little different than everything else that’s already out there SOOOOOO…. I went with beads. And I think it came out pretty cute… and a little funny 😉

My theme was Summer and vacation… and when I think of Vacation, the Go-Go’s pop into my mind and I immediately start signing Vacation… all I ever wanted – Vacation … and then it came to me … HAT TO GET AWAY!

And since the thought made me L.O.L. I had to figure out a way to do it. I could have definitely used sequins like Eugina Kim hats or basically stitched on ANY trim to the straw hat brim, but I just thought beads would be a little more fun and turquoise beads just remind me of summer, so it was the perfect fit.

The project is actually pretty easy. It took longer than I expected, but that’s normal. The most difficult and challenging part about it was using the invisible thread because well, IT’S INVISIBLE, making it hard to see when working with it. But definitely worth it.

S H O P the L O O K

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how-to D I Y options

DIY Peachy Keen’ ribbon woven sun hat via A Beautiful Mess // DIY ‘La Belle’ Rope Sun Hat via The Lady About Town // DIY ‘Do Not Disturb’ hat via Me & Mrs Jones // DIY ‘Beach Please’ hat via Soma & Ulta


What You’ll Need…

DIY Embroidered Summer Sunhat

* Summer straw hat … TIP: look for a stiff brim so it doesn’t flop over in your face. I found mine locally for $16.99
* Seed beads
* Invisible thread + needle -that fits through your beads
* Scissors


First, decide what you want your hat to say!

If you want it to be precise, use a pencil to write out your word on your hat first.

Use a piece of felt to scatter your beads on so they won’t roll away.

DIY Embroidered Summer Sunhat
Double thread your needle and knot it at the end… run it through your hat -through the straw and the threads if you can, and knot it before you begin beading.

DIY Embroidered Summer Sunhat
Thread a few beads at a time (4-7 for straight areas, 2-4 for curved areas), run it through your hat and knot it after each run of beads to secure it.

DIY Embroidered Summer Sunhat
If you’re writing in cursive, continue on the pattern as long as you can… re-threading your needle as you go.

Make sure to secure it in the back so it stays put!

DIY Embroidered Summer Sunhat
After finishing the your word, go back to cross your Ts, dot your Is, and finish your As.

DIY Embroidered Summer Sunhat

And… Voila!

DIY Embroidered Summer Sunhat
DIY Embroidered Summer Sunhat
DIY Embroidered Summer Sunhat
DIY Embroidered Summer Sunhat
wordy summer sun hat_ vacation
* * * See me wearing it here: Push and Pull Like a Magnet

DIY embroidered sunhat - vacation summer style

Have Fun!

* Find all my DIY projects here

Maegan Tintari

LA native & lifestyle blogger Maegan Tintari writes daily at sharing beauty & style secrets, including fashion DIYs, how-to nail art manicures, hair tutorials, recipes & home decorating ideas, as well as a look into her personal life, her journey & battle with infertility & recent relocation to the mountains by a lake in search of a better life with her adorable French Bulldog brothers, Trevor and Randy.

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