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DIY // How to Make Faux Stone Accent Tables with Spray Paint

how to make faux stone accent tables with spray paint
I’m finally in what I consider the most fun part of my office renovation and that is DECORATING! Chad has been working on my desk makeover, which just needed a (major planing and sanding) and paint refresh, but he gave it a really cool distressed top I can’t wait to show you and in the meantime, I’ve been bringing car loads of stuff over and doing little DIYs for the finishing touches. We have the girls this week and had a minor snow sledding injury, but I think by the end of the week it should be completely finished and I’m so excited!

Since I’m not really finished decorating, I can only give you a sneak peek by sharing these little DIY faux stone tables I made a few weeks ago that I just love. The process is really simple and just takes a little (or a lot) of spray paint and creativity to get the look. I upgraded old accent tables with the faux stone, but you can really get this look on any old thing you’re sick of looking at and give it that ‘80s contemporary-meets old world vibe I’m loving right now. Also, it’s really trendy, and while you can find some similar items, they haven’t flooded the market yet and even the stone/textured spray paints are a little hard to find, but soon enough they’ll be everywhere 🙂


pink chair and stone accent table
I love this stone look I’m seeing more and more because it’s taking the sort of minimalism from the 80s contemporary look and making it feel completely new again by mixing it in with other styles. It’s this old world meets contemporary ’80s vibe I keep talking about, which has become the theme of my new office space.

I’ve added a few that are available for sale below just so you can get an idea of what I’m going for and my inspiration.

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My Tables Before…

how to make faux stone accent tables with spray paint
I’ve had these little accent tables for YEARS and they’ve been so versatile that I’ve used them in many different rooms and for many different purposes. Most recently, I’ve kept them in the girl’s room as little bedside tables but when I started thinking about little stone tables, these were the perfect base to DIY into faux stone.

Though you can’t really tell from the photo above (as they almost already look like stone here, but in person, they do not), my little accent tables have seen better days. One was starting to discolor and morph into a pale yellow hue and the other had a few nicks and chips in the resin, so while the girls will be without bedside tables for the moment (we’re planning a little furniture upgrade for them soon anyway), I got the stone look in my new office I wanted with only the cost of spray paint and a little elbow grease.

Here’s What I Used…

how to make faux stone accent tables with spray paint
There are some really cool textured “Stone” spray paints by Krylon and Rust-Oleum Stone spray paints available on amazon, but with the altitude and cost and shipping right now, I thought I’d try Home Depot in person first and while they didn’t have the “stone” version, they had “textured” spray paint by Rust-Oleum in a light color, which worked when I used a flat white and flat grey as a base. (Also note, the “Stone” is $56 for one can and doesn’t come in a really light color I wanted while the “textured” paint was only $6 per can)

You can probably get the look with the stone versions alone, but they may be a little flat or obvious.

textured spray paint to create a faux stone look
* Rust-Oleum satin White enamel -one can
* Rust-Oleum chalked spray paint in Aged Grey (love how “flat” the chalkboard paint is, it adds another great texture) – one can
* Rust-Oleum Textured Spray (in the lightest color it came in – it has some multicolor flecks in it, but not much variation) It’s also a little “warmer” (more yellow) than I wanted, which is why the white and grey helped keep it a cooler tone. (also, it’s less expensive at home depot than it is buying online) – almost 2 cans
* Rubber gloves
* Paper towel or plastic bag

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Here’s How I Did It…

First, and obviously, make sure you’re working in a ventilated area… and prep your preferably outdoor work area first. I usually like to use large shipping boxes, but anything to cover your the ground or surrounding area. Now put your gloves on 🙂

Begin by cleaning your tables (or whatever surface you’re going to paint on), just to make sure your paint adheres. You may be working with a different material like wood or glass or ceramic (because again, you can use this same tutorial for anything you’d like to make look like stone) so give it a good cleaning first.

Let’s Paint!

Start with your white and grey… use them both to create a little depth and a good base starting point.

how to make faux stone accent tables with spray paint
I used the white first with a light coat all over, then came in with my grey and just spritzed certain areas like I was a graffiti artist (I know, that’s a longshot comparison, but just trying to give you an idea here, lol).

If you go a little too dark in certain spots with your grey, just spritz some white over the area until you get the look you want.

Give it a few minutes to set… but don’t let it dry completely.

NOTE: It’s okay if you go heavy and get drips… as long as you don’t let it dry before the next few steps.

how to make faux stone accent tables with spray paint
Next I sprayed on a light mist of my textured spray all over… but imperfectly. Remember, this is not supposed to look perfect, it’s supposed to look like stone.

how to make faux stone accent tables with spray paint
This is where it gets fun! Grab your stiff paper towel (not the super soft ones) or a plastic bag or crumpled up piece of paper would even work and start pulling up some of the paint by almost tapping certain areas and pulling away, tap… tap… tap.

It’s not too complicated, but if you need a visual, check out my A-Frame Office stories on Instagram, they may be pretty far in, but I did a video there.

how to make faux stone accent tables with spray paint
I could have left it like this actually but I couldn’t tell if there was too much of my original table showing through and the paint just looked like, well paint, instead of faux stone, so I gave it another light spray with the textured can and called it a day.

how to make faux stone accent tables with spray paint
It covered some of the grey tones but left the texture.

All in all, it was only time consuming because I was spraying in freezing temps and it was taking longer to dry than it normally would if it was Summer, but it worked out.

Basically, just keep repeating these steps above and letting it dry in between to see if you like the look and if you don’t, repeat the steps until you get it the stone look you’re going for.

And… Voila!

how to make faux stone accent tables with spray paint
The final look is very subtle and difficult to photography, but I think you get the idea. 🙂 I love how they turned out.

how to make faux stone accent tables with spray paint, vintage horse head book end
how to make faux stone accent tables with spray paint
how to make faux stone accent tables with spray paint
how to make faux stone accent tables with spray paint vintage horse head book end decor

Have Fun!

* Find all my DIYs here
* Find all my A-frame office posts here

See the tables used in different rooms in all the posts below…

Home Decor // Geometric Accent Painted Wall – Girl’s Room

Lake House Decor // Home Office Progression… Incomplete

Living Room Decor { in our old house }

Maegan Tintari

LA native & lifestyle blogger Maegan Tintari writes daily at sharing beauty & style secrets, including fashion DIYs, how-to nail art manicures, hair tutorials, recipes & home decorating ideas, as well as a look into her personal life, her journey & battle with infertility & recent relocation to the mountains by a lake in search of a better life with her adorable French Bulldog brothers, Trevor and Randy.

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