What I’m wearing…
* Faux fur coat by BB Dakota (sooooo soft)
* Navy and grey cheetah sweater
* J Brand Lovestory flared jeans (from a million years ago)
* BeBe chunky knit hat and scarf
* Vintage Louis Vuitton Looping MM Bag
* Sorel snow boots from a few years ago (still faves)
* 70s DIY Sunglasses
* New obsession
* Title: America – Sister Golden Hair 1975… Feelin’ those ’70s vibes. I love this song. Click through to watch the video… he’s wearing glasses so similar to mine here.
The weather up here on the mountain has been just INSANE. Other than the freezing temps, it mostly felt like spring up until about two weeks ago. With February, winter finally came. It’s been raining like crazy, snowing even crazier, then raining again. There’s a moment of peace now but another storm is headed our way tonight and through Monday. They say if it continues, the lake will not only be full by the end of the month, but that it will be overflowing!
Though the weather apps are always changing, they’ve been pretty close to right on lately, which is frustrating because I expect them to be wrong most of the time. I love the weather, we need the water, California needs the water. But it has also meant our business has been a little slow (along with power outages so that we just can’t even open), which we prepared for, of course because you have to prepare for unpredictability especially when living in a resort-town, relying on vacationers for business. However, I’d say we’re more of a locals spot than anything else, especially now in the winter… but I’m excited to see what summer will bring now that we’ll have been open just over a year. It’s a little insane to say that since the renovation seemed to take forever. April 7th marks a year being open and I can proudly say we have learned A LOT. It’s been amazing and challenging and stressful and fun and has brought me to anger rages and tears but we’re making it happen and that feels pretty great.
I’m definitely not patting myself on the back, no way would I make that mistake. We’re only one year into the business and in a landscape where most businesses don’t make it past the 5 year mark, I want to make sure we stay steady and grow. We’ve made so SO many mistakes but have also learned so much in the process and hopefully we can just evolve and get better and offer more to the community and the vacationers in the coming years.
The town is growing as I had hoped it would when I moved up here. The potential has always been so great and I’m happy to see other entrepreneurs have the same idea and vision. I’m happy to get to be part of that growth, which I envisioned 6 years. That’s a pretty cool feeling, building and watching something grow and totally being a part of the reason why it is… again, a little surreal, very humbling, but also very cool.
Most days we’re all just going through the motions, doing what we have to do to make the business work, but sometimes, when I have a moment to ponder, the feeling is so surreal. I’m so grateful and sometimes literally like HUH? IS THIS REAL? It was such a whirlwind looking back and sometimes just blows my mind… but we’re making it happen, and with our combined effort and the great people in this town, so far it’s working. And I hope it continues working and getting better for the next ten years or so… and then we’ll see where we want to go from there. Ten years is no time at all, but so much can happen in the meantime. You just never know. I’m grateful for it all.

Happy Friday Lovecats!
* Find all my Style Posts here