I originally wanted to do a fun Valentine’s Day nail art tutorial for you, but as much as I do like my nails, they didn’t really photograph well, so I thought I’d also share my current favorites instead… in the accessories category; bag, wallet, phone case, the end.
I’d been using my Balenciaga classic town bag for so many years, I thought it was time to switch it up and retire it. So instead of buying a new one, I went to my closet and pulled out a vintage Louis Vuitton shoulder bag that, while being the perfect size, is admittedly a bit hard to get in and out of. WHICH is probably why I never used it much, BUT not only was I determined to swap out my worn out Balenciaga, I also was itching to get back into a shoulder strap. I was just over the top handles.
I have been really FEELING deep green lately in everything. It’s catching my eye and so when I told a certain someone about my green obsession in December, they kindly gifted me some pretty fabulous Christmas items in the perfect shade of foresty green with the slightest hint of teal -more forest than teal.
First, the deep, almost-teal-but-more-forest green Coach wallet, with a hint of metallic shine, is slim enough to fit in and out of my slit of an opening LV bag quite nice and I LOVE the contrast with the brown LV canvas. The green and brown together is just perfect symmetry to me right now, like leopard print and green, it just feels right.
Well recently, I also received this amazing phone case in a perfectly matching green with gold flecks, a jeweled pop socket and a furry pom wrist strap. I remember seeing it on an Instagram ad and sending it to this certain someone and for some reason it didn’t arrive until about two weeks ago but man was it worth the wait. I LOVE IT.
Even though my dogs are obsessed with the furry pom strap when it’s hanging down, it’s so HANDY… AND when I slip it into my bag, the strap hangs out the top, making it super simple to grab when I need it.
So, this is my current accessory situation and I love it… it feels fresh and new for the new year.

* DIY Sunglasses, phone case, Louis Vuitton bag (vintage), Coach wallet

PS. I found the phone case on amazon for $14.99 – it’s so worth it. Also, it’s not hard plastic, but a soft gel feel, which I always prefer, and not at all bulky. It’s my favorite so far (besides my DIY cases, of course). I’m currently using an iPhone 8 Plus (which I chose because the X didn’t have the plus size which I like so much) BUT the case is available in a few different sizes/model and also comes in purple, pink and red.
A little warning though, the gems on the pop socket (which comes separately and you place anywhere you like it) are kind of overlapping so a few of mine have already come loose, but if you have E6000 glue, you can just secure them ahead of time… I know, extra work, but it’s worth it IMO. Oh! And my faux fur coat happened to match my nails more than I thought it would (it borders between like teddy bear brown to rusty rose – and my nails are a little less “pink” in person and more rusty rose)… it wasn’t planned but I like the way they turned out.

I pulled inspiration from the gold flecks in my phone case and using a rusty mauve base coat, I swirled on some rose gold accents with a fine brush and added a black heart to my thumb and ring fingers. I’ve been leaving my nails bare more than not, so seeing them painted again made me feel all pretty 🙂
Do you want to build a snowman?
We did 🙂