What I’m Wearing
* Sea NY leopard print dress …my favorite summer dress, winterized ….See it here in Summer
* Worn over a simple jersey turtleneck
* Black vintage leather jacket
* Black pashmina scarf
* Black opaque stirrup tights from American Apparel {I love the stirrup showing through these shoes}
* Velvet Angels “naked lunch” bootie
* Vintage Gucci bag
* Tom Ford cat eye sunglasses
Title: lyric from Thompson Twins “Doctor! Doctor!” {omg please watch this vid, it’s beyond}
I can’t complain about the weather we’re having here in LA because it’s quite nice really {sorry those of you who are snowed in …though being snowed in & not having to go to work sounds kind of amazing} but it’s really challenging getting dressed in the morning. I wasn’t ready for Spring weather just yet, and neither was my closet. This outfit was actually taken two Fridays ago when it was much chillier and then vetoed because I had better choices at the time. But since my outfits this week have been less than post-worthy, this one doesn’t seem so bad anymore. Both outfits I’ve worn this week seemed just fine while I was wearing them but after uploading them to my computer, they came across as insane lady who talks to herself while out in public outfits. Okay, maybe not that extreme – but close. I look in my closet each morning with a blank stare and after about 5 minutes and zero inspiration I finally just yell out “Pick something Maegan, you’re going to be late!” …And then I am the crazy, insane lady who talks to herself.

Thank you all so much for your wonderful DIY suggestions yesterday. There are so many great ideas! Please come back and add more if you find something new you would like …I’m also checking my Twitter. With the exception of shoes {unless it’s an add-on} and fitted clothes {due to sizing issues} and leather jackets because of the cost involved – anything is possible, home DIY are welcome as well. But obviously, if we’re talking about ridiculously expensive materials, it sort of falls out of the definition of DIY. So, keep that in mind. But really, I LOVE all the suggestions so far. I think I may do many of these so if I don’t do yours one week, I just may do it the next …just sayin’;) xoxoxo