I don’t follow too many celebrities on Instagram, but I am mesmerized by sisters Khloe Kardashian and Kylie Jenner‘s LIPS! Being the most interesting of the family, I can’t help follow them both. A few months ago both of their lips became the subject of many of their IG posts and I was sure they both must have plumped them up based on their photos, but they look natural on their shows, which keeps me guessing… My only conclusion {well, other than possible lip injections IS} they MUST have lip shaping techniques as well as the perfect pucker/pout/duck face pose that accentuates their lips in their photos because like I said, their lips are mesmerizing!
I randomly stumbled on this really great lip tutorial from Smashbox: #ShapeMatters Lip Lessons and thought I’d share because I think the illustrations, tips, and side by side photos are really helpful. And maybe it’s a step closer to the perfect pout.
Below each photo is a link to Smashbox’s step-by-step photo and video tutorials for each lesson.
Get Definition…

SMASHBOX TIP: Accentuate your cupid’s bow
1. Accentuate your cupid’s bow by drawing a small X in the center of your upper lip—be sure to use the tippy top of the pencil for the most precise lines.
2. Then starting at the top two points of the X, line normally around your natural lip line.
Tip 1: This is the only instance where you’ll want a darker shade of liner than your natural lip tone because you’ll be applying lip color over it, so you won’t see the line—it’s like tracing first to make sure the shape is exact.
Tip 2: As for lip color, choose a bold one, since bold shades contrast your skin tone and will help lips stand out to look more defined.
Tip 3: Using a precision-tip brush and concealer, trace and blend around your lip line to clean it up and make it look laser-precise.
Create Fullness…

SMASHBOX TIP: Color outside your natural lip lines
1. Line slightly above and below your natural lip line.
2. Then line around your cupid’s bow and middle part of your lower lip should be sharper, while the line moving toward the outer corners should be diffused—this draws attention to the center of lips, creating fullness.
Tip 1: Dab a light shade of gloss only in the center—it’ll draw light to the fullest part of lips, making them appear more prominent. (You can also apply highlighter to the top of your cupid’s bow for the same effect!)
Tip 2: Like your favorite LBD, darker lip colors actually minimize lips, so go brighter if you want to add fullness.
Build Balance…

SMASHBOX TIP: Contour and color to a more symmetrical pout
1. Build out your thinner lip (upper or lower) by lining just outside your natural lip line with a shade that matches your lip tone—this way, the line will meld into your natural lip line for the appearance of a truly fuller lip.
2. Then on top of this, you can apply liner as usual in whichever shade matches the lip color you’d like to use, since you’ll now have balanced lips.
Tip 1: If you have a thinner upper lip, apply highlighter to the top of your cupid’s bow. If you have a thinner lower lip, apply to the middle edge of your lower lip. This draws light to the fullest part, making it appear more prominent.

SMASHBOX TIP: Diffuse your natural lip line
1. Apply a thin layer of concealer all over lips to diffuse the lip line – softened edges tone down lips.
2. Then line just inside your natural lip line to slim the shape, making sure to use your finger to lightly diffuse the liner.
Tip 1: Matte or cream finishes limit how much light reflects off of your lips, so they won’t draw too much attention and overwhelm your other features.
Tip 2: Set the matte or cream look by pulling apart a two-ply tissue (so you’re using only one ply), then dusting powder through the tissue onto your lips—this creates a luxe, velvety finish.

* Go to Smashbox/Lip Shaping Tips for complete video+photo tutorials.
* Go toSmashbox/#ShapeMatters for more makeup, beauty, and lip lessons!