Sometimes it just seems easier to complain about all the shit that’s going on in our lives than to actually step back, acknowledge that we are responsible for our current reality -based on the choices we’ve made in our past, accept our faults, learn from our mistakes, and work hard every day at becoming a better version of ourselves.
But in the end, it’s far more gratifying and creates far more potential opportunities if we do face everything head on, find the discipline to put in the work and make the difficult choices now that will make our future brighter.
I’m not sure how I landed on this video, The Secret to Self-Motivation with Mel Robbins and Tom Bilyeu, but it’s incredible.
It’s incredible because Mel Robbins offers a new way to look at why don’t do things we know we should and the excuses we make to justify why we’re not.
A few take-aways from the video…
* You’re never going to “feel” like doing the things you don’t want to do. You only feel motivated to do the things that are easy.
* You can trace everything back to silence and hesitation.
* You are one decision away from a totally different life.
* Stop thinking about what you have to do and actually do it.
* Stop letting fear make your decisions for you.
* Choose to break habit loops (behavior you repeat without even thinking about it) and literally change your life.