What I’m Wearing
* VS sweats, hoody & black v-neck
* Tiffany silver padlock pendant necklace
* Various silver chains, black bracelet c/o Guy & Eva, and DIY washer chain bracelet
* Round sunglasses
* Rebecca Minkoff MAB
* Crocs high top leather sneakers {so light I can barely feel them on my feet!}
Dirty, messy bed hair, sweats, sneakers, sunglasses and coffee… this is pretty much how I’ve looked since Friday afternoon (or some variation of it)… day and night – until the wee hours of the morning. Sunday evening I had to pull myself together and set up a photo shoot for some outfit photos I needed for my book but other than that, I’ve been locked up in my office again all weekend long trying to finish the last of my book edits. Rather than hiring a photographer, I offered to do it all myself, so as to give the book my own feel… but it’s so much work, I can’t even begin to describe it. The end of June will mark 7 months that I have been working on my book and while I love it and cannot WAIT until it’s published early next Spring, the idea of opening up my mind to new and creative things OTHER THAN MY BOOK is so refreshing right now and I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. I’m so close… SO CLOSE… needless to say, I’ve been wearing sweats and sucking down caffeine all weekend long just to finish by my next deadline, today.
No, it’s not pretty… but it’s real 😉

Happy Monday!