Hair Lake Arrowhead Style

Take Your Old Life – Then You Put a Line Through It

end of summer transitional dress with van's sneakers

What I’m Wearing…

* Free People Love of My life Dress in light blue (I have it in black too, see me wearing it here) – there’s a cute floral option as well, but the fabric is different. I’m always on the fence about buying it too.
* Winette sunglasses by Barton Perreira – from last year/sold out now
* Authentic Vans – there are SO MANY cute new styles, I want them all. not even kidding.
* Balenciaga classic town bag – maybe called small classic city bag now? Can’t tell, but I know that my lust for this bag began in or around the early 2000’s so when I bought this one (slightly used from Whaat Goes Around Comes Around) a few years ago, it’s been my go-to ever since. I often wonder if I’ll ever swap it out for a different daily bag. I’ll grab another for special occasions or to match an outfit, etc., but I ALWAYS go back to this one for day to day use. I think I bought it in 2014.

* Title: benny blanco, Halsey & Khalid – Eastside (official video) …We can do anything if we put our minds to it… Take your old life then you put a line through it… My love is yours if you’re willing to take it… Give me your heart ’cause I ain’t gonna break it

I have lived in this dress as well as the black version this Summer… and for at least two months especially, IT was the thing I put on every time I had to leave the house (and even earlier today). It’s the perfect dress. And it’s especially perfect if you ahem, gain a little weight and don’t feel like squeezing into your skinny jeans because at any particular time, this dress is flattering and flowing and comfortable and feminine and I LOVE IT. If you follow my InstaStories, you’ve seen it a million times. Anyway, I posted the black one here a while ago and bought this light blue one mid-summer because I was living in the other one, I thought I needed more color options… and have worn them with just about every sneaker I own… and I see it transitioning into fall quite nicely.

easy transitional summer fall dress - love maegan tintari

On this particular day a few weeks ago now, I threw my favorite dress on to go shoot photos for my stylist, Shannon, who is opening HER OWN SALON AND I’M SO EXCITED FOR HER I COULD SCREAM! It’s called The Parlour Room and she’s officially opening TODAY!

It’s just the cutest little spot off the main highway on the way into Blue Jay (where Dogwood is located, and both on the way to the Lake Arrowhead Village -for out of towners) and she’s done a little renovating but I haven’t been back to see the final touches yet (but I can’t wait!).

I love when a woman follows her heart and her dream and goes after her goals and is smart about her business and just gets shit done with all the badassery of a warrior and Shannon embodies those qualities and I’m super stoked for her. It’s also so great to see more awesome businesses up on this mountain but for me, being specifically owned and run by women, makes me even prouder. Sorry guys 😉

I tell ya ladies, we still have to break old walls and opinions and barriers every damn day. I’m oftentimes naive to it in many ways because it’s so much a part of my life, and I know so many women running their worlds (as so many of you are) but for instance, I’m constantly thrown off guard when asked something like “did your man buy you your car?” UM NO… or when I’m at Dogwood and get asked “So who’s girlfriend are you?” or “Are you just the wife of…” one of my business partners? It really blows my mind. Maybe I’m overly sensitive to it, but dammit I work too hard to be seen as “just the. . .” (as if I’m some property or secondary thought-to) the owner instead of a full fledged business partner who collaborated entirely and invested in and worked on and at the business from the ground up. But the mindset still is that men run the business and women are JUST the girlfriends or wives of those business”men” and it gets to me… (And just to be real here for a moment, it’s also totally OKAY to be “just the…” if that’s your choice! But when you work hard you feel sort of thrown to the side because you have ovaries instead of testicles, if you know what I mean) And don’t even get me started on the slaps to the ass, the sneaky touches and gropes and unwarranted kisses to the neck, and the constant sexual remarks from some men that I have to put up with while at the business (yes, I know it’s a bar and I’m dealing with people drinking, but does that make it okay? I can’t say I’m surprised that this is still going on, but I’m still completely shocked when it happens to me, because mostly, my reaction is to be nice and laugh it off even though on the inside I am feeling completely the opposite. HOWEVER, it should be known that even though I may tolerate it on a personal level, if I or either of my partners or staff see anyone treating a woman disrespectfully, we quickly escort them out the door because we do NOT tolerate that in our establishment. *** If you haven’t seen how the Pastor felt up Ariana Grande while giving a speech at Aretha Franklin’s funeral, check it out now, but be warned that it may infuriate you – as it did me. It’s a testament to how far we still have to go with the #MeToo movement.

A N Y W A Y . . . sorry/notsorry for that little rant 😉

I’m sure I’ve mentioned this a hundred times before but just to jog your memory, Shannon was one of the first people I met up here in Lake Arrowhead, if not THE FIRST, who happened to originally be from a similar part of LA – (ahem, the Valley) where I grew up, which was just a fun coincidence. But just a few weeks after moving up here from LA (back in late 2012) I had to find a stylist to do my hair because I was not about to drive down the mountain to get my hair done. no way. So I walked into Rumors, the hair salon in the Village and Shannon happened to be at the front desk and so I asked if anyone in there was good at doing blondes and she said I AM! And I was like YESSSS. LET’S DO IT.

And the rest is history 😉

She’s hard-working and an amazing stylist and I’m so happy to see her starting her own business because I know she’ll just be a fantastic success! Anyway, again, her salon is called The Parlour Room and if you’re a local (male or female) and in need of a stylist, make an appointment now!

blue dress, living in lake arrowhead, maegan tintari, hair salons in lake arrowhead, life in the mountains

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Happy Monday Lovecats!

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Maegan Tintari

LA native & lifestyle blogger Maegan Tintari writes daily at sharing beauty & style secrets, including fashion DIYs, how-to nail art manicures, hair tutorials, recipes & home decorating ideas, as well as a look into her personal life, her journey & battle with infertility & recent relocation to the mountains by a lake in search of a better life with her adorable French Bulldog brothers, Trevor and Randy.

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