LeRoy is the first dog who was a puppy when I got him. He was just eight weeks old and he was the cutest little thing I had ever seen and has turned into the best dog I have ever had and I can only guess it’s because I had him from the beginning. He was also the first dog that I didn’t “rescue”…
However, LeRoy was the runt of the litter, the last pup left, and clearly meant for me. Due to improper breeding, he also had a string of health issues and because of it, I feel like he was a rescue because had we not taken him, his fate may have been much different.

To give you an idea of his size …Bebop was 3 years old here and full grown and LeRoy must have been at least three months old here because he was wearing his first collar that was so big at first, I used a ribbon instead.

Unfortunately, LeRoy was bittersweet. He was a replacement for my Boston Terrier, Billy, who had been hit by a car and died 7 days prior, on my 28th birthday. Billy was only two years old. When I look at these puppy pictures of LeRoy, emotions that I did not know were still floating around surface and turn into tears. It marks such a difficult time in my life.

LeRoy is super sensitive to my emotional state. He gets very worried if I am upset. I just had a realization recently that this could possibly result from my massive crying spells due to the sudden loss of the other dog, Billy. LeRoy would just lie on my chest while I sobbed and petted him. It was quite apparent that I was already in love with the new puppy but still a wreck over the loss of Billy.
But I tend to overthink everything of course, and LeRoy is very well adjusted, and the best dog ever.

My Boys.

Just one of the toys.

He was so perfect, he peed in hearts #finditineverything {a more recent update here}

About a year old here…

Brothers from another mother …love each other {they’re the same size now – about 20lbs each}
He’s my little little