What began as a simple click through from an art gallery email quickly turned into a deep dive down a rabbit hole of gorgeous interiors styled with incredible photography.
Originally I thought I’d share the art I was drooling over – since my art gallery days, art features have been a regular thing here – but once I landed on These Fine Walls Instagram, loaded with gorgeous interior spaces and home decor, I couldn’t help but incorporate both.
I’ve been feeling the pull to decorate something lately, though I’m not sure what I’d do… this is where it would be fun to be a designer, decorating for other people, just to fill the decor urge so to speak… Last year around this time I leased my office space and began the renovation, a task that always seems like it’s going to be more fun than it actually ends up being. And then when you finally get to the decorating part, it feels like it’s over in a flash. Maybe I’ll figure out a way to spruce up the house or maybe holiday decorating will come early this year… or maybe I’ll just live vicariously through instagram and do nothing at all
IF you are interested in browsing and even maybe buying some gorgeous photography, click through These Fine Walls Art Gallery and have a look… AND since they’re celebrating their 7 year anniversary, you might still be able to use code: 7FINEYEARS for a little discount. But don’t quote me on that
All photos via These Fine Walls ~ Instagram
Happy Weekend Lovecats!
* Find all my Art Posts here
* Find all my Home Decor Posts here