First let me just say, I love, love, LOVE the movie Frozen. The husband bought a digital version for me when it was released because he knew how excited I was to watch it… and the last time my mom came up for a visit, we watched it together, and it definitely lived up to all of my expectations {based mostly on the excitement of little girls and their detailed reenactments of the musical numbers in the movie, of course ;}.
While I loved all of the characters {and maybe come Fall I shall DIY a few Disney costumes like last year??}, you know Disney movies get a little heavy so Olaf was a nice little comedic relief and made me giggle every time he was onscreen. Recently my friend Orna made these adorable Olaf the Snowman Cupcakes with her four year old daughter, and I just had to share because they are fantastic and look relatively easy and fun if you wanted to make them with your own littles!
Sure snowman cupcakes feel a little wintery, but we all know that SUMMER was Olaf’s favorite time of year 🙂
Click through for the full recipe & more cuteness:
* Olaf the Snowman Cupcakes
Have Fun!
* Hope you had a wonderful Easter holiday weekend!