I’ve been hearing about this book for a few days now …perhaps because it’s buzzing & I’m on the internet 24/7, but when I first saw it & read about it I thought, “IS this appropriate for kids?” Being that I don’t have any kids, I don’t have any first hand experience and therefore, no expert on the subject. So who cares?
But when I stumbled upon it again, tonight, narrated by Samuel L. Jackson, I had to give it a listen.
And let me tell you …it was my first really great laugh in 3 days. and I needed it
So maybe it’s not for the kiddos. Maybe it’s for the adults of said kiddos? …but regardless who it’s for, Jackson’s rendition of it is pretty. f*cking. hilarious.
1:52, 2:11, 2:33, 2:51, 3:43 & 5:24 are my particular favorites