Happy Happy Happy New Year, Lovecats!
And how ON EARTH is it 2016?!?!
2015 was strange and exciting and difficult in a hundred million different ways, I’d like to think I grew and evolved just a little more than the year before, and I hope you did too. More than anything, that’s all we can ask for, right?

Obviously, no holiday is complete without my dogs dressed in silly outfits their holiday best, posing for the camera. These two are so good at it though… but they’ll do anything for “snacks” I’m positive of it. These striped sweaters barely fit these Bobes last year when they weren’t even one yet, but now that they’re going to be 2 years old [WHAT???] and fully grown, they’re more than a little snug. Wearing them as infinity scarves and hats is ten times funnier so we went with it.

Thanks for following along this year, and always. I can’t believe I’ve been doing this for almost ten years now, it’s blowing my mind a little bit, but I wouldn’t be here without you too. I made new friends in 2015, FINALLY met virtual friends in real life, conquered my anxiety, had the opportunity to design dresses, a dream I’ve had since I was a little girl, and much, much more… and YOU were all along for the ride, so thank you for being a friend