Trying to take in as much beauty and nature as I can lately.
I truly want to thank you for all your sweet and encouraging comments and emails about my bout with anxiety right now. They mean a lot to me and make me feel less alone. I apologize if I don’t respond to any emails, but sometimes I just want to avoid thinking about it, but they are greatly appreciated. I’m working through it slowly but surely.

The husband is in San Francisco for the weekend so my mom came up to stay with me while he was gone. It’s such a blessing to have her right now and last night we sat and watched Tootsie while she brushed and braided my hair. So good.

My Galaxy Nails Manicure Tutorial from last week.

The back of my DIY Leather Belt {and outfit & hair} from last week.

And though a bit redundant, my new Fiddle Fig Leaf Tree in our living room. {Originally seen in Because we Always Need Our Mom post}

The Frenchie and the Pug {my reluctant models} wish you a Happy Sunday!