Because sometimes we just need a laugh. Because sometimes we take life way too seriously and because sometimes laughter is the only thing that will get us away from the rapid swirling thoughts in our mind or lift us out of our sadness. Because sometimes we just need to stop thinking and worrying and laugh a little. It’s time to forget about everything and just laugh because shit is funny.
I dare you NOT to laugh…
If you can’t see the video above, click here: Step Brothers Gag Reel
Seriously, I don’t know how anyone can get through a scene with Will Ferrell. I swear it’s like he’s TRYING to make the other actors in the scene bust up. It KILLS ME.
If you can’t see the video above, click here: The Other Guys – Bloopers / Gag Reel
If you can’t see the video above, click here: Talladega Nights the Ballad of Ricky Bobby: Bloopers
Happy Weekend Lovecats!
* Have a little fun and laugh.