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1. Looks like Little Red Riding Hood stopped for a bite before heading to her Grandmother’s…
2. New favorite snack {wasa wheat crackers with cream cheese} is evolving {with avocado & sprouts} Next up, tomatoes.
3. The amazingly thick fog through the trees is a challenge to drive through but beautiful to look at.
4. Leopard print Lauren Merkin bag {from my i-Ella bag} and tasseled loafers out in the rain yesterday… it was warm enough to skip socks! {see my burgundy striped version here}

1. I wasn’t feeling optimal on Friday, and ended up on the sofa for much of the early evening and into the night… even through countless episodes of Ancient Aliens, thanks to the husband. I finally went upstairs and started Downton Abbey, season one. I’m about 2.5 episodes in. Not hooked yet, but really hoping to be soon. {already inspired to DIY from it though}
2. My favorite way to eat ice cream {which of course I learned from my mom at a very early age}… the bigger the scoop on the spoon, the more of a balancing act. With my Tony Fitzpatrick “King of Penny Poker” etching in the background.
3. As I was trying to photograph LeRoy sleeping in the sun, he caught me and got up, and then I caught him with his tongue out. WinWin.
4. My pale nails tutorial from last week.

1. A favorite coffee mug I found at a car wash years ago… I loved the quote {similar mug here} and my dark chocolate covered nut clusters from the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, that I am now addicted to and eat daily sipping the final drops of my coffee.
2. An outfit post from last week when we still had snow.
3. I thought that being without a kitchen window in our new house, my orchids would surely die BUT I’ve found that the lights under my kitchen cabinets work VERY well at faking sunshine and I have 3 orchids with new stems right now. CLICK HERE to see how I regrow my orchids.
4. Last Sunday my mom drove up for a little visit and we took a walk and found an area where the waves crashed upon a beachy shore and with its little wake waves, created a very beach-like environment. It was beautiful. We sat on a little bench for what seemed like decades just chatting and looking over the lake, listening to the waves crash. It’s truly special being surrounded by natural beauty all the time vs traffic and smog and noise pollution {sorry Los Angeles, I thought I’d never say it but I don’t miss you in the least}
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1. Looks like Little Red Riding Hood stopped for a bite before heading to her Grandmother’s…
2. New favorite snack {wasa wheat crackers with cream cheese} is evolving {with avocado & sprouts} Next up, tomatoes.
3. The amazingly thick fog through the trees is a challenge to drive through but beautiful to look at.
4. Leopard print Lauren Merkin bag {from my i-Ella bag} and tasseled loafers out in the rain yesterday… it was warm enough to skip socks! {see my burgundy striped version here}

1. I wasn’t feeling optimal on Friday, and ended up on the sofa for much of the early evening and into the night… even through countless episodes of Ancient Aliens, thanks to the husband. I finally went upstairs and started Downton Abbey, season one. I’m about 2.5 episodes in. Not hooked yet, but really hoping to be soon. {already inspired to DIY from it though}
2. My favorite way to eat ice cream {which of course I learned from my mom at a very early age}… the bigger the scoop on the spoon, the more of a balancing act. With my Tony Fitzpatrick “King of Penny Poker” etching in the background.
3. As I was trying to photograph LeRoy sleeping in the sun, he caught me and got up, and then I caught him with his tongue out. WinWin.
4. My pale nails tutorial from last week.

1. A favorite coffee mug I found at a car wash years ago… I loved the quote {similar mug here} and my dark chocolate covered nut clusters from the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, that I am now addicted to and eat daily sipping the final drops of my coffee.
2. An outfit post from last week when we still had snow.
3. I thought that being without a kitchen window in our new house, my orchids would surely die BUT I’ve found that the lights under my kitchen cabinets work VERY well at faking sunshine and I have 3 orchids with new stems right now. CLICK HERE to see how I regrow my orchids.
4. Last Sunday my mom drove up for a little visit and we took a walk and found an area where the waves crashed upon a beachy shore and with its little wake waves, created a very beach-like environment. It was beautiful. We sat on a little bench for what seemed like decades just chatting and looking over the lake, listening to the waves crash. It’s truly special being surrounded by natural beauty all the time vs traffic and smog and noise pollution {sorry Los Angeles, I thought I’d never say it but I don’t miss you in the least}