This week will go down in history as one of the top 5 craziest weeks of my life. Yes, I feel a little dramatic even just typing that but it really has been insane. My manuscript was due to my publisher on Monday and admittedly, I’m a few days late in sending it in. Oh the guilt… oh the pressure. Among my other, normal & everyday blogging duties and jobs, including BlogHer, I’m working on three other projects with brands which I cannot reveal just yet. I have another even more colossal project in development which forced me out of my office 3 days this week, and out for one more call time on Friday. Last Saturday we were informed by our plumber that out our sewer pipes were broken on the city line and that apparently, there was a shit river under our house. Luckily, we smelled nothing. On Monday and Tuesday 7 men dug their height out of our front lawn, under the brick walkway, beneath the sidewalk and to the parkway to fix it. Which also meant, we couldn’t use our “facilities” for the entire time they were here. Awesome. LeRoy has some sort of tooth/ear infection AND to top it all off, I got my period. I honestly can’t believe I snuck in a DIY this week too. All in all, besides possibly taking it all out on our landlord on Monday morning, I’ve dealt with it better than I thought I would, given my hormonal imbalances {ahem PMS}.
Yes… TMI – TMI – T.M.I. but I don’t often share too much personal stuff here any more… I am so tired, I cannot even begin to describe it and I wish so so SO badly that I could share my other fun and upcoming projects with you but I can’t… in due time though.
I’ve been a bit absent from Instagram even, however, I have posted a few photos as of late… {& occasionally on my Facebook page}

I swapped out my old Aeron office chair for a prettier option yesterday {stolen from the living room}… but I’ve already gone back. * See my entire office & dressing room here

One of the projects I’m working on included a trip to Salvation Army… and while I was NOT shopping for myself, I did happen to find this fun black and gold necklace for $5

New Paul Smith sunglasses from a recent GILT sale…. and, while I have shopped at Hermes for gifts for others, mostly my old boss at the art gallery, this is the first item I’ve bought for myself. It’s a vintage double wrap leather bracelet and it’s my new favorite piece to include on my wrist. I was determined to find a double wrap so that I could ALSO wear it as a necklace. I found it at a Beyond the Rack sale a few weeks ago.

Red Light PR sent over an extremely fun box of goodies including the rose gold necklace I wore here and a few of the items you see hanging in my dressing room from Line and Dot.

Kooba just recently sent me the prettiest bag ever. It’s called “Sabrina” and I love it. See it here. Seen also with Lumete sunglasses c/o Lumete

In doing a little research for my book, I found this fashion illustration from 1931 and was absolutely amazed at how modern it was, with a hint of 70’s. * From 100 Years of Fashion Illustration

My accessories desk is a tragic mess… See the organizational post here {& sadly, w/ my old powershot camera}

Sent some goodies for an upcoming Sonia Kashuk review.

And just a new favorite dress by Alexia Admor… photobombed by LeRoy, in my messy dressing room.