Follow me on Instagram to see these in real time. Come back here every Sunday -or sometimes Saturday, for all the details.
Happy November!!! Did you sleep in today?
Wow, where did this year go?!? I’m so happy it’s nearly winter though, which is the exact opposite of who I used to be, but I so look forward to the cold and the snow and the layers of cozy warm clothes. It’s just beautiful, and this West Coast needs water like the deserts miss the rain. It rained and even hailed a little for a night and a day here and we watched it in wonder, like we’d never seen rain before.
As much fun as I had last week with my Elsa Extravaganza, I’m happy to be able to get back to default and start thinking creatively about the upcoming holidays & fashion and home DIYs {I’ve got a few I’ve been excited to do and share}. Hope you all had a fun Halloween weekend!

Elsa, off-duty… {and so fuzzy at full size!} Last Monday, after shooting my Elsa hair tutorials and costumes, I wore her braid for the rest of the day, hiking through the mountains in full hair and makeup and forgetting about it whilst meeting new neighbors.

Saturday snuggles going strong all day as we all rested and recovered on a rainy Saturday.
Halloween Recap… links below

Our little clowns wishing you a Happy Halloween…
Our Halloween dinner and dessert… well, we had steak somewhere in between this horrid display, but then right back to it…

* Elsa French Braid hair tutorial
* Elsa Snow Queen DIY Costume, the cape was my favorite part!

* Working on my bodice… and final Snow Queen Costume

* Elsa Twist and Bun hair tutorial
* Elsa before letting it go DIY Costume

* TBT Favorites, ’80s Madonna and Top Gun

These Bo-bos love winter because they LOVE sitting in front of the heater vents and we have about three floor-level vents in the living space alone. Randy sits a bit back from the heat and then Trevor swoops in and hogs the whole thing and then uses Randy as a pillow.

I miss their puppy faces… Puppy time went by so fast, it’s crazy to think back, but they are about 9months old now and Trevor’s face has changed dramatically from his puppy face while Randy still has his. I love how different they are, it’s fun to watch their personalities develop and change over time as well as the few things they STILL do and have done since we brought them home in March… like Trevor’s desire to EAT MY HAIR every time it’s down, and lunges at my face to do so And Randy, who still gets really bite-y when he’s excited.

This was our #MondayDogFace … Though Trevor is obsessed with sitting at the dining room table. He jumps up on the poufs when they’re by the table vs by the chair, then walks on all the chairs to get to the head of the table.

The SALE is still happening in case you missed it! Go to No Rest For Bridget and enter LOVENRFB at checkout for 20% off and free shipping!
Happy Sunday Lovecats!
* Hope you’re having a lovely weekend!