Books DIY etsy Feather DIYs Gift Ideas

Pretty Pressed Pastel Feather Bookmarks… You can Buy NOW!

Pretty Pressed Pastel Feather Bookmarks

Light as a Feather…

…stiff as a board.

Last week during the snow storm when I was wild with stress and anxiety, I busied myself by making these pretty pressed pastel feather bookmarks and I honestly can’t get enough of them!

THEY’RE SO PRETTY! Really, truly prettier in real life, as the camera can’t really catch the texture and shine and sparkle… but I tried.

I’ve made similar bookmarks in the past from my paintings on paper, and I’m not sure what inspired the feather this time, but I can assure you that the entire idea came from a simple desire and need for a bookmark while reading yet another book!

I think my problem is that I begin reading so many different books at the same time and then I randomly stop at the library and pick up a few more and then I run out of bookmarks (and I don’t like using random paper/items or folding edges as bookmarks – unless they’re my books). So, in my desire and need to make a new bookmark for myself, I accidentally made about 25 bookmarks because they were so pretty and I was just having so much fun and staying busy – trying not to think about the endless snowfall.

So instead of watching the Super Bowl yesterday I listed them for sale on Etsy so you can… BUY ONE HERE!
* FREE SHIPPING in the US & $3 international.

pretty pastel pressed feather and glitter laminated bookmarks

I’ve listed the 25 bookmarks that I actually made for sale, aside from the few I kept for myself and one that I sent to my mom 😊 – and I think there are photos of most of them. I added them as custom made though because I have a bag of feathers that has been sitting with my DIY supplies for over twenty years now which means, you guessed it, THESE ARE VINTAGE, and I can probably make at least 25 more in pastels.

AND, since I can’t tell if I like the bookmarks with the ribbon or without (because I like them both) I made that an option as well. They’re a little more sleek without the ribbon and a little more whimsical with the ribbon… but I do like how the ribbon pokes out from the top or the bottom of the book when it’s closed. YES, the bookmark will stay put either way!

pretty pastel pink feather bookmark with pink ribbon

Each bookmark is different and unique! They vary in size (width and height) based on the feather’s dimensions (some are smaller and some larger), though I cut the edges straight (because I like a straight edge) and I’ve also sprinkled a bit of matching fine glitter in between the layers of pressed laminate for a little sparkle every time it catches the sun.

I love that you can see through the bookmarks to the words on the page… They are flat along the edges but have texture where the feather lies. Though they may look rippled in some of the photos, they lay flat. AND although there are multiple layers of laminate, they do feel slightly fragile, but are pretty strong. HOWEVER, IF you purposely try to bend it and damage it, you probably will be able to, so don’t do that 😊

PRETTY pressed feather bookmarks for book lovers

I do have more colors of feathers, but the pastels were just so pretty and shiny and press really well. Maybe I’ll make a series of the richer hues I have, but the pastels are like florals for spring. I just love them!

When placing your order, just choose the color and if you want to add the ribbon or not. I think they look the best with matching ribbon, but I don’t have light blue or lavender just yet, only pink, white, yellow and Tiffany blue. Once I am able to get my hands on the matching ribbons, I’ll add them to the variations.

Adding the ribbon is FREE and shipping is FREE! However, if you decide you don’t like the ribbon, a tiny hole will remain near the bottom of the shaft.

They are really cute for Easter or as an addition to a gifted book!

Buy One Here!

feather bookmark

PS. I don’t center the ribbon in the middle of the bookmark… I follow the line and end of the feather so it feels like an extension rather than a second thought.

I want to be able to choose one color I like the best, but honestly, every color is really pretty!

I hope you like them as much as I do 😻

feather bookmarks

feather bookmark

feather bookmark

pretty feather bookmarks

pastel pressed feather bookmark

pretty feather pressed bookmarks with glitter

Buy One Here!

* The two books seen in these photos are : Freeing the Soul from Fear by Robert Sardello / and / The Last Days of Marilyn Monroe by Donald H Wolfe

Happy Monday Lovecats!

* I hope you had a nice weekend!
* Find all my posts about BOOKs here

Maegan Tintari

LA native & lifestyle blogger Maegan Tintari writes daily at sharing beauty & style secrets, including fashion DIYs, how-to nail art manicures, hair tutorials, recipes & home decorating ideas, as well as a look into her personal life, her journey & battle with infertility & recent relocation to the mountains by a lake in search of a better life with her adorable French Bulldog brothers, Trevor and Randy.

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