Sunday night I was DYING for a warm chocolate chip cookie… JUST ONE, big, warm cookie, well, or two small ones. It must have been around midnight, and if I was in LA, I could’ve just gone out and gotten one from a few different places, but not here. Maybe 7/11 was open, but at that point, I didn’t want to leave… And then I remembered seeing a cookie dough recipe for one a while back, so I found it, made sure I had all the ingredients, and decided to try it out… because I knew if I made an entire batch, I’d eat more than I wanted to and then have cookies lying around for the next few days until I ate them all and I JUST WANTED ONE WARM FRESH BAKED COOKIE.
And let me just say… INCREDIBLE.
BUT I TOOK IT A STEP FURTHER… because I wanted more than just dough, which is what the recipe I found was for. I wanted fresh, warm, baked cookies and I wanted them NOW. But since there were no eggs, I wasn’t sure if they were going to rise and cook correctly, but they did.
Because I was already unsure they’d cook at all, and since there were only two, I cooked them in the toaster oven, so I didn’t have to wait for the oven to preheat and it all just seemed like overkill, when I just had two little cookies. The toaster oven totally worked and in under ten minutes. I was pretty excited about my discovery, I’m not gonna lie. And they were delicious, so that was a bonus too.
No, there was nothing healthy about it, but sometimes we have to just indulge, right? And it’s at least a little better than the pre-packaged ones with tons of other nasty ingredients right? And two homemade cookies couldn’t hurt. AND YOU CAN EAT THE DOUGH.

Here’s What You Need… Ingredients
* 1-1½ Tbsp butter, softened
* 1 Tbsp white granulated sugar
* 1 Tbsp brown sugar
* ⅛ tsp vanilla extract
* Pinch salt
* Pinch baking soda
* 4 Tbsp flour, (more if your butter is melted)
* 1 Tbsp water
* 1-2 Tbsp chocolate chips {or chips of choice, nuts, etc. I used mini chips!}
* I also like to add 2-1/2 tbsps of oats to make oatmeal cookies
* Obviously you can switch up the ingredients using organic or healthier options.

Add all ingredients {except the chips} into a small bowl and mix… you don’t need a mixer, I used a fork.

Mix in your chips…
It will look like this and taste exactly like homemade cookie dough…

Pop in the toaster oven, on a foil-lined baking sheet, on BAKE for about 10 minutes.
I just checked on them after five minutes and as soon as they started browning, I took them out because I wanted them super soft.

Yeah, that’s it. And they were AMAZING.
In fact, it’ll be difficult not making them every night, they’re so quick and easy and delish!
And… Voila!