What I’m Wearing…
* Black crop jeans by MOTHER (faves! I have them in red too… wish they came in more colors. They’re comfy and super flattering)
* Mama Bear tee from a local t-shirt printing shop MOUNTAIN AIR PRINTING
* Vintage Ungaro blazer – you’ve seen a million times
* Open Flower Ring with diamonds in White Gold from AU-rate
* Barton Perreira Wynette sunglasses from a few seasons ago
* Vintage Chanel Surpique bucket bag
* Old Skool Vans
It’s kind of a uniform, really.
* Title: Post Malone – Circles
I met with a reporter from the local Mountain News the other day and this is what I wore… though I’ve worn it once before to work at Dogwood but without the blazer. They are doing a human interest piece (is that what you call it?) on me and my blogging career (before opening Dogwood Tavern) which was super fun to reminisce about and made me miss it but I have to be honest, I was (and still am) a little nervous… but totally and completely honored to have been chosen for it as well
I mean, I’m an open book really, I speak to anyone about anything (you know that), but that can probably come across differently than I would expect – maybe? I dunno. I’m sure it will be fine, but there’s a difference being able to control what I write here and share and someone else trying to describe you in print, ya know? Again, I’m sure it will be fine, and the reporter (Allyson) whom I met with was super cool… but I’m still a little wary of it.
My main focus lately is Dogwood, it kind of pulls me in all directions and I have no choice. I’m there working only about 3 nights a week and have taken over Karaoke on Thursday nights because our Karaoke guy couldn’t do it anymore… and it’s a weird feeling. Mostly because I was Karaoke host/MC in my 20s at a bar in Burbank called Dimples (that I think has closed down in the last few years, but it was iconic) and I’m having a weird kind of deja vu about it all.
But beyond working AT the business, and doing the social media, there’s always something to do FOR the business and it always feels like AN EMERGENCY. Last week and the week before my main focus was finishing our taxes. YIKES. I’m learning so many new skills owning a bar but also I often feel like I’m back in my 20s when I’m working in the bar, and even though I own it, it still feels odd sometimes. I wonder if I’ll ever find a work-life balance with it? I wonder if I’ll ever get to be less hands-on with it? I wonder if I’ll ever go to bed before 4am ever in my life again? I wonder if I’ll ever blog consistently again? I wonder that every day actually… and I miss being here and also my life is so different, I’ve adjusted fine in real life and love my life, but I find it actually quite difficult to share… and I dunno why. I overthink it all but honestly, I just don’t have a lot of free time for creative thinking and I want to make it a priority again. I hope I can.
This summer has been full-full-full… of fun kid stuff and lake fun and events and dentist appointments and work-work-always work (though I’m not actually complaining because I love work) and now it suddenly feels like winter. I’m not sure I’m ready for winter yet, but life is full of wonder and magic and I’m committing myself to share more about it all soon. Some pretty exciting things are happening.
It’s Thursday night… I’m at Dogwood, hosting Karaoke, but it’s kind of a slow night so I’m writing this post there/here because well, I have my computer and the power is out at my house at the moment so I can’t go home really even if I wanted to… but I do – want to go home. I’m worried the Bobes are cold (lol) and I feel like I’m getting a chest cold actually, and you know what? I don’t even care if the power is out. I’m going home

STILL my favorite lip gloss… Lip Fusion, in Glow… I can only find on amazon. Also I’m obsessed with this ring from AU-rate. I only take it off to sleep.

I feel like this shot is far too “posey” lol – but it made the cut anyway

Happy Friday Lovecats!
* Find all my Style posts here