food, health & wellness Recipes

Soup Recipe // Golden Cauliflower Leek Soup

Soup Recipe / Golden-Cauliflower-Leek-Soup
* Recipe by guest contributor Laney Schwartz, creator of Life is But a Dish

I feel like we all need a bowl of this soup right now.

It’s cozy, comforting, and simply good for the soul. I’m always on the lookout for a good new soup recipe. It’s like chicken, you can never have enough chicken recipes!

This one is pretty simple. It starts with cauliflower and leeks sautéed in a big pot. I love the mild flavor of the leeks in here, I always forget to use these in place of onions!

Soup Recipe / Golden-Cauliflower-Leek-Soup

There’s one secret ingredient that I LOVE.

Rather than using cream to make it silky and smooth, I use slivered almonds, without the skins! You could also use cashews. They provide an extra protein boost and healthy fat that takes this soup over the top.

Soup Recipe / Golden-Cauliflower-Leek-Soup

What makes it that bright yellow color?

Turmeric, which is an anti-inflammatory AND gives it that beautiful golden shine!

Soup Recipe / Golden-Cauliflower-Leek-Soup

Get going on this one, you’re gonna love it.

Get the full Recipe // Golden Cauliflower Leek Soup


You can thank me later.

Laney Schwartz

Hi, I'm Laney! Home cook, mom, wife, workout junkie, and ultra crazy food lover! Creator of Life is but a Dish - a space where you will get a sneak peek into my world which mainly consists of food, family, and friends. Join me on this wonderful journey called life, one dish at a time. Find me on Instagram at lifeisbutadish

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