Because it’s February and Valentine’s Day is next week and LOVE IS IN THE AIR and the topic of relationships becomes primary focus, I started thinking about what it means to be feminine and to fully embrace and live in divine feminine energy and noted how much more authentically I live now vs when I was living with men in relationships.
In the last few months living alone, I have literally LEPT into my divine feminine energy with my whole heart and honestly feel more like myself than I have in YEARS. I’ve been able to keep a fairly high and positive vibration in my daily life, I’m creative and creating much more frequently than I have been in years, I feel more playful and much lighter overall, I’m dancing and singing multiple times a day (not to mention, talking to myself, which I really only catch myself doing when I’m happy )… I just feel like I am living truly in my divine feminine energy in a way I haven’t been able to in a very long time and I wasn’t really even aware of it until I started doing a little bit more research and then was able to clearly compare how I was vs how I am now and how RIGHT it feels.
Embracing the divine feminine means examining ourselves honestly and holistically to find the balance that works for us. To find the sharp bits and soften them, to find the most fragile parts of our hearts and stabilize and support them.
The post What Is The Divine Feminine? written by Emily Torres on The Good Trade, sums it up really well. I’ve highlighted some key points below…
The divine feminine is the spiritual concept that there exists a feminine counterpart to the patriarchal and masculine worship structures that have long dominated organized religions. The divine feminine extends well beyond one belief system, and instead can be used as a spiritual lens to balance our perspective.
The feminine and the masculine are not singular and siloed energies—instead, they exist in balance. For example in ancient Chinese philosophy, Yin and Yang are a balance between receptive and productive, introspective and extrospective, feminine and masculine.
Ultimately, the consensus I’ve found is that the divine feminine is closely connected to “receiving” or “hidden” while the masculine is “producing” or “visible.” And we’ve idealized the “producing” side of things as a society (particularly in the “hustle” culture of the US), that the “receiving” feels like a bad thing.
To break it down even further, the feminine cannot exist without the masculine and the balance between the two is where we find our true nature. Below is a breakdown of what (general) traits fall under the masculine and the feminine energies.
When I am truly ME, I encompass ALL of the feminine traits… yet when I’m in work and business mode, I encompass all or many of the masculine traits, which I find interesting. However, I’m happiest in femme mode and only go into masculine mode when I have to and then leave it behind as soon as I can. In relationships though, if I’m with male energy that doesn’t fill the masculine cup, I pick up the slack and then become more of the masculine energy on a full-time basis, and do not like it at all.
How Can You Activate the Driving Feminine Energy Within?
1. Move your body… Dancing, stretching, yoga, walking, anything to be in your body.
2. Spend more time in nature, observing the beauty of mother nature, the truest Divine Feminine.
3. Get comfortable RECEIVING, get into a receptive energy.
4. Soften, flow… focus on love and softness within.
5. Do what makes you feel good.
6. Dress in a way that makes you feel strong and confident
7. Set clear boundaries and stick to them.
8. Be playful.
9. Be open to life and don’t be afraid to be vulnerable.
10. Stay in high vibrational energies vs lower vibrational energies (see list below)
What are the signs of a Divine Feminine awakening?
1. You’re intuition is speaking to you… and you are listening and in alignment in your words and actions.
2. Your heart chakra is open and you act with compassion and love.
3. You’re comfortable in your sensuality.
4. You can forgive easily.
5. You want to spend time with positive, gentle people who make you feel good about yourself.
Below are a few videos I watched on the topic and thought you might want to too. I’m not sure I agree with ALL of the ideas, but I do like the concept.
How To RADIATE Feminine Energy *life changing*
Set healthy boundaries, and stick to them.
Feminine Energy: How to Nourish Your Soul & Improve Your Intuition I Inner Work Library [21/500]
Be softer at the edges, a beam of light of radiance of the heart, which warms and inspires and becomes life-giving to the world around her
video: 10 HABITS TO INCREASE YOUR MAGNETIC FEMININE ENERGY // learn how to tap into your divine feminine
Be more receptive… get comfortable receiving.
This post feels like it’s all over the place, and maybe it’s because I haven’t fully fledged out the idea and am still in research mode… or because even though I feel like I’m living it, I haven’t grasped it entirely yet. I’m not sure, but I am reading and listening to a few of the books below… and maybe when I finish them I’ll be able to form more complete thoughts on the subject… I’m not sure.
What do you think? Do you like the ideas here? Are you living in your divine feminine energy? Can you tell or feel the difference between the masculine and feminine energies? Which do you feel more at home living in?