Jon Whitcomb illustration of Marilyn Monroe {because it’s her birthday too & I just LOVE this illustration}
It’ my birthday today. Yes, today marks the 37th year I’ve been wandering this little area of the planet and the 6th year I’ve celebrated it here on this blog, so I thought I do a special edition of Thoughts & Things | Loves & Links on this day.
Career News…
As of today, I am no longer working as BlogHer’s Style Editor. It was a fun 3 years and BlogHer is renovating and I’m moving on. I’m still with the BH network for now and looking forward to new projects in the coming year.
In addition to my 3 a week beauty posts at Babble, as of today I am officially writing 3 more days a week at Babble Style. I’m really excited about this because it’s yet another platform I can talk about fashion, trends, style, shoes, accessories, shopping, {and more!} and open up this space right here for more personal posts.
* I’m in the beginning stages of overhauling my blog, finally handing over the design control and considering guest posts in the coming months. More on that later, but excited about it!

My fun Red White and Blue tie dye nail art manicure has been featured in and used as the cover of Nail Art Gallery Magazine June/July Issue. This is one of my favorite festive Summer manicures but you should really flip though the 104 pages of nail art in this magazine for inspiration from incredible to insane nail art!
* Nail Art Gallery Magazine
* Find my full DIY Tie Dye Nails ~ Red, White, & Blue Manicure here
Thoughts & Things…
1. “Life has a tendency to teach what’s right and what’s wrong. And you learn it, from experience. Trust. Integrity. Commitment. We must have that. If you have that, then you have everything” ~ from Edward James Olmos on Doing Right Union bank commercial. Yes, life advice comes in many forms.
2. The moment you think about “nothing” it becomes “something”.
3. Don’t allow the experience to escape.
4. You have the power to change your life. Only you.

Loves & Links…
* LOVE this illustration above by Jon Whitcomb… because all I want to do lately is cut my hair.
* LOVE this article at The Cut | Shine Theory: Why Powerful Women Make the Greatest Friends because it’s so true.
* LOVE this article at MSNBC | Forget self-denial: Key to richer, healthier life is a good imagination
Happy Saturday Lovecats!
Have a lovely weekend!