Follow me on Instagram to see my photos in real time. Come back here every Sunday -or sometimes Saturday, for all the details.

One of my favorite shots of Trevor and Randy playing when they were puppies… Check out our Living Room before the puppies TOOK OVER AND MADE IT THEIR OWN DEN OF MESS AND HAIR.

Been working on this one for a few days… inspired by this photo
It’s crazy that my faces generally take days and days to finish {and this one still isn’t done} but other subjects can take just a few hours over the weekend {though I usually prefer faces because I love really capturing the emotion}. I obviously have less time during the week to draw because of work, but spend a few hours each night working on a piece. I’m nearly finished by the weekend and want to create something a bit lighter and with a little color and am usually done by Sunday… case in point below

Classic style, jeans and heels, inspired by this photo … I see only the flaws, but I’m hoping with each one I start and finish, I improve. That’s all I can ask for really, beyond the joy of creating them.

Friday afternoon work upgrade: Ecco Domani merlot, gummy rings, and fresh lilacs, which finally bloomed and smell so incredible I have them all over my office.

My sweet big Bobe Trevor… and a quote from Paulo Coelho’s Brida, which I love…
There is a big difference between danger and fear.

Another shot of the corner of my desk {it’s where I spend so much of my days}… of fabric swatches for a super secret project I’m working on and SO SO SO EXCITED ABOUT. I cannot WAIT to share it with you guys!!!

My head to toe Boho ’90s Ross Bargain Hunter Look!

A look at the final/finished drawing of the foot in a Louboutin sandal, which was harder than I anticipated, but once I finally got a few new art supplies and tools, made the process a bit easier

Dressing room selfie at Ross… check out the full post here and my DIY 3D BUTTERFLIES phone case ~ which I’m still using and am obsessed with!

Sleepy puppies snuggle bunnies… where does one end the other begin? I love these Bobes so much it’s crazy.

For Earth Day {but actually taken the day we said goodbye to LeRoy and took sad a walk around the lake when we returned home sobbing – the sunset was incredible that day – and photos I can’t seem to delete from my phone}
Earth Day is every day we share this planet with other beings. Our bond with nature & love for life helps sustain life.
Happy Sunday Lovecats!
* Hope you’re having a lovely weekend!