What I’m Wearing…
* Lee Vintage Modern jeans in a vintage wash that looks like my old Levi’s in a dungaree style.
* Old black turtleneck
* BB Dakota faux fur coat in a rosy-taupe (so soft) also seen here with my fitted overalls – they have a short version available now
* Furry beanie
* 3.1 Phillip Lim sunglasses – similar here by Quay and here by Lilly P
* Dr. Martens faux fur lined boots – On Sale right now at Shopbop (Use code SPRING) – I just bought the butterscotch brown color as well (because SALE!) and they’re already less expensive than the black ones…why? I have no idea.
* The Marc Jacobs pillow bag also comes in pink and brown now! I use this as my daily and have gotten used to it’s floppiness and I love it.
I wear my denim Lee Vintage Mordern coveralls SO OFTEN that Lee Jeans felt bad for me… that’s my only explanation as to why I was so lucky to receive almost every pair of jeans from their latest collection and I am in love! They also sent over their coveralls in army green and now they are my second most worn item in my closet. They are so comfortable and cute and easy to wear that if I had a different color for every day of the week, I’d wear them every single day! I think I’ve only worn them once on the blog here, but truly, I wear them at least twice a week and more in the warmer months.
However, all the jeans they sent over are super cute (and fit true to size, though I size up to a medium in the coveralls so they fit a little looser) but I’m loving this pair I’m wearing here. They’re high waist and fit the waist but have a looser fit overall everywhere else. They’re cropped a bit and tapered so they’re flattering in that vintage jeans kinds of way I’m always looking for. Needless to say, I’ll be living in Lee jeans for a while 🙂
* Title: Billie Eilish – everything i wanted
I had a dream I got everything I wanted… But when I wake up, I see You with me… And you say, “As long as I’m here No one can hurt you… Don’t wanna lie here But you can learn to… If I could change The way that you see yourself… You wouldn’t wonder why you hear… They don’t deserve you”

Random goings on…
1. I’m completely addicted to the show Outlander. I started it last week I think and have not gone a day without it. I’d crawl into bed and watch it right now if I didn’t think that may be some sort of sign of looming depression, so I wait until the night falls… The first episode was so slow I almost turned it… but I knew there was a twist, so I waited… and waited… and finally it turned into my new favorite show… and then last night I finished season 3 on Netflix and quickly googled when season 4 would be released, only to find out that not only season 4 but also SEASON 5 are both out but not on Netflix… WHY GOD WHY?!?!
2. We FINALLY cleared out the garage, which has been literally wall to wall full of stuff that used to fill my old house. We’ve been meaning to get it to storage for like 7 months now and finally it happened. And it was stupid and emotional and almost like reliving the entire move and it was horrible. I still have not completely recovered and there are still boxes of random shit in the garage I need to go through because you know what happens when you move… you think you’re all packed and ready and then moving day comes and there’s a ton of stuff you have NOT boxed up and then it all gets thrown in random boxes where it lives until you die. I also still have some of the ex’s shit and that’s frustrating and stupid as well. It’s all stupid. That’s where I’m at with it… however, we can actually walk in the garage and that’s progress.
3. It snowed a few days ago, as you can see from the photos and then the sun was out the next day and melted nearly all of it away. It’s beautiful but I can safely say that this year, I’m over winter and ready for warmer days. I do hope we get enough precipitation though to protect us in case we have a dry summer. But still, SUMMER PLEASE!
4. Trevor seems to be doing better… and I think I’ve found the reason for his swollen scrotum situation and it’s completely self-inflicted (insert eye roll emoji here and also #men). I won’t go into detail, but it has to do with him stepping on them in a way that clearly must feel good (insert eye roll emoji here because #MEN ugh). $2200dollars later and it’s self-inflicted… INSERT EYE ROLL EMOJI HERE!
5. Started The Voice the other night and loving the interaction between the judges… have to say Nick Jonas is holding his own so far and it’s quite entertaining.
6. I have not been practicing my Spanish and there are plenty of other things I feel like I should be doing but I am not. Instead I am distracting myself with television shows and a puzzle… I’m in that sort of space right now and it’s frustrating. Is Mercury in retrograde?

Happy Thursday Lovecats!
* Find all my Style Posts here