I’m loving this ’90s throwback to all things royal, gilded and bejeweled…
Here’s What You’ll Need…

* La Mode large bejeweled button from JoAnne’s {$2.75} which I picked up while getting materials for my D&G bejeweled shoes {I was going to use the two small buttons with it but it just didn’t work out right. I may make earrings out of them.
* 254 cm gold chain.
* 42″ (1.06m) gold chain
* Large clasps or ribbon or leather {I used leather lacing}
* Large gold oval jump ring
* Beading pliers

* Open the chain links on either end of your larger chain and attach to the button hook & to each other to stabilize the button {so it doesn’t fall forward}.

* Using your oval jump ring and small chain, open links creating 3inch strands and string one by one onto ring.

* Use as many as you like to create a tassel.

* Clamp jump ring/tassel onto back of button loop and large chain.

* It should look like this …and wear it long if you choose!

* Unlink chain at the center and loop it around and down to the button {make sure each side is equal}.

* Clamp/link ends to existing chain at the back of your button.

* Find the center/top of each side & run your leather or ribbon through {or use a clamp closure}

* Tie in the back to create different lengths.
And… Voila!

Have Fun!
* Find all my DIYs here